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《灵界经历》 第1930节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1930

1930. The situation is almost the same in the body, where whatever any member, any gland or other part requires, according to every changing condition, it will raise up from the neighboring parts, and then anywhere in the body, even from the blood, and will draw whatever is appropriate to itself at the time, by means of the fluids. 1748, 10 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1930

1930. The case is almost wholly similar in the human body, where whatever any particular part or member, such as a little gland or the like, may require, it excites, according to all the changes of its state, somewhat similar in the neighboring parts, and thus everywhere in the body, yea, even from the blood and the fluids it educes something similar, which is suited to it at the time. - 1748, May 10.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1930 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1930. Similiter se res fere habet in corpore, ubi quodcunque membrum aliquod, glandula vel simile requirit, secundum omnem status ejus mutationem excitat simile in vicinia, et sic ubivis in corpore, imo ex sanguine, et fluidis adducit simile, quod sibi tunc convenit. 1748, 10 Maj.

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