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《灵界经历》 第1936节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1936

1936. Some are quite easily led by the Lord

Although everyone is able to be led wherever it pleases the Lord, nevertheless, some are led more easily than others. The reason is that the Lord leaves to everyone their freedom of thinking in accordance with the inclination of each, and the Lord does not infringe on this freedom. Therefore, they who have faith, who believe that the Lord governs all things, and who do not allow themselves to be driven by passion and falsity, are more easily led. This, too, was said in the presence of angels. 1748, 11 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1936


Although all can be led by the Lord whithersoever He pleases, yet some more easily than others. The reason is, that the Lord leaves to everyone the liberty of thinking according to his inclination, which liberty he does not break. Those, therefore, who are in faith, who believe that the Lord governs everything, and who do not suffer themselves to be acted upon by cupidities and falsities, are easily led. This also is said in the presence of spirits. - 1748, May 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 1936 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1936. Quod quidam facilius ducantur a Domino

Tametsi omnes duci possunt, quocunque Domino placet, usque tamen aliqui facilius quam alii; causa est, quod Dominus relinquat unicuique suam libertatem cogitandi secundum inclinationem cujusvis, quam libertatem Dominus non frangit; ideo qui in fide sunt, qui credunt, Dominum omnia regere, et qui non a cupiditatibus et falsitatibus se agi patiuntur, facilius ducuntur, hoc quoque in praesentia spirituum dictum est. 1748, 11 Maj.

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