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《灵界经历》 第1968节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1968

1968. Next we spoke about the fact that truths of nature are vessels in which spiritual truths can be contained. For unless the containers, that is, instrumental agents, are in agreement, the prime agents cannot be attached to them.

This is evident from many considerations, especially from the vascular system of the whole body. If the blood vessels and their membranes were not in complete agreement with the nature of the blood contained in them, the blood could not be there, much less act or be acted on in keeping with its nature and character. Or if the blood cells were not in agreement, then the [animate] spirits and vital essence in those spirits could not be, and remain alive in them, in keeping with their nature and character. And so it is in everything else in the world's threefold kingdom. 1748, 16 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1968

1968. It was said, moreover, that natural truths are vessels in which spiritual truths may be contained; for unless the objects or instrumental causes are adapted, the spiritual causes cannot be applied to them, as appears from many considerations, especially those drawn from the containing vessels of the whole body, as, for instance, that unless the blood-vessels with their membranes agree with the nature of the blood contained in them, they cannot hold the blood, much less can it act or be acted upon according to its nature and design. So likewise neither unless the blood-globules were such as they are, would the [animal] spirits and the life of the spirits be able to abide and live in them according to their nature and end; and thus also in all other things in the threefold kingdom and in the world. - 1748, May 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 1968 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1968. Tum dein, quod veritates naturales sint vasa, in quibus spirituales veritates contineri queant, nisi enim vasa seu causae instrumentales conveniant, non possunt causae 1

principales iis applicari, sicuu ex multis constare potest, ex continentibus totius corporis, ut nisi vasa sanguinea cum eorum membranis prorsus concordarent naturae sanguinis, qui continetur in iis, non posset sanguis in iis esse, minus secundum naturam ac indolem suam agere, seu agi; ita nisi sanguinis globuli tales essent, non potuissent spiritus {a} et spirituum vita in iis secundum omnem suam naturam et indolem esse, et vivere, sic in omnibus caeteris, in triplici regno, et in mundo. 1748, 16 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has causa

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