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《灵界经历》 第197节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 197

197. About the setting in order of evil and ungodly spirits

That spirits are arranged by kinds and species into classes has, I believe, been said before [161], and, in regard to any given society in particular, so arranged that in their midst are the worst, such as those who had knowingly departed from and obscured the light of truth. Going outward, those closer to the circumference are better by degrees, and at the periphery are those who, though similar to the rest, had not known better.

This arrangement is made by God the Messiah, so that the worst ones are surrounded and restrained, for they are unable to act or to speak except as a group. According to the judgment of God the Messiah, the spirits toward the outside are allowed to speak or to do - many as one, so it is the collective speech of many - things that are not too harmful, in times of temptation; and the spirits toward the inside, too, as in times of inward temptations. 1747, the 4th day of September (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 197


That spirits are distributed into classes according to genera and species was, I think, said before [n. 161. With regard to any society in particular, the spirits are so distributed that in the middle are the worst, being those who, having been instructed, fell away and darkened the light of truth; those who recede thence towards the boundary are by degrees better; those in the boundary are singular, but they have not been previously instructed. This distribution is effected by God Messiah, so that the worst ones may be restrained and repressed, for they can neither act nor speak except in consociation. Those who are exterior are permitted to speak or act, as many or as one, according to the judgment of God Messiah; thus there is the collective speech of many, and this is not so harmful in temptations. Also, those who are interior are permitted to speak and act, as in the case of interior temptations. 1747, Sept. 4, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 197 (original Latin 1748-1764)

197. De ordinatione malorum et impiorum spirituum

Quod spiritus secundum genera et species in classes distributi sunt, prius, ut arbitror dictum est [161]; quod societatem quandam in specie attinet, ita distributi, ut in medio eorum sint pessimi, ut qui instructi desciverunt, ac occoecarunt lucem veritatis; qui inde procedunt versus ambitum, sunt per gradus meliores, in ambitu similes, sed qui prius non instructi; quae distributio fit a Deo Messia, ut coerceantur compescantur pessimi, nam nec agere nec loqui possunt nisi in consociatione; secundum arbitrium Dei Messiae, permittuntur exteriores loqui aut agere plures 1

ut 2

unus, sic est collecta loquela plurium non 3

ita noxia in tentationibus; tum etiam interiores, ut in tentationibus interioribus. 1747, d. 4 Sept. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has agere, plures

2. The Manuscript has aut

3. The Manuscript has plurium, non

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