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《灵界经历》 第1985节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1985

1985. The place or location where spirits appear to be is only an illusion

I have observed that spirits, according to their genius and character, as well as their attitude or state of mind, are allotted a place relative to the human body-thus to the right, the left, the sides, above, below, far off, nearby. These are all appearances, as I have been shown quite plainly many times, and also today when I was speaking with spirits about this matter. When I wheeled around, they still appeared to be at the same side relative to me. So they were everywhere, while actually they were only in one place. I was also told that tens of thousands could even appear at the same place, when yet not one of them was there. Moreover, some who were either below or rather high above me sometimes in an instant seemed to themselves to be near, even next to me, much to their surprise. And those below were suddenly above, and so on. 1748, 17 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1985


(I have observed that spirits according to their genius and disposition, and also according to their state of mind [animi] or mind [mentis], obtain a situation relative to the human body, as, for instance, at the right, at the left, on the sides, above, below, afar off, near by, all which are mere appearances, as has been often shown me, and likewise today while speaking with spirits on that subject; [for I noticed] that while I turned myself to the same side relatively they appeared present, and so everywhere, when yet they were [in fact] only in one place;) (it was said also that myriads could appear in the same place, when yet there was not a single one of them there. It was moreover observed that those who were at a considerable distance from me, either below or above, sometimes seemed to themselves to be in a moment in the nearest proximity to me, at which they greatly wondered; as also that those who were below seemed suddenly above, and so on. - 1748. May 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 1985 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1985. Quod locus seu situs, ubi apparent spiritus, sit solum apparens

Observatum est, quod spiritus secundum genium ac indolem suam, tum secundum statum animi mentisve sortiantur situm, respective ad corpus humanum, sic ad dextram, sinistram, latera, supra, infra, procul, prope, quae omnia sunt apparentia, quod etiam manifeste ostensum mihi pluries, tum etiam hodie, cum de ea re cum spiritibus loquutus, quod dum converterem me, usque ad idem latus respective, apparebant, sic ubivis, cum tamen solum in uno loco essent; dictum quoque, quod myriades in eodem loco potuissent apparere, cum tamen nullus eorum ibi sit: praeter quod ii qui infra aut supra longius a me, quandoque momento sibi visi prope imo proxime me fuisse, quod multum mirati; et quod qui infra subito supra, et sic porro. 1748, 17 Maj.

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