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《灵界经历》 第2008节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2008

2008. By a quite similar general force, others are governed differently, each according to his or her own nature and character, but still within their limits, beyond which they cannot stray, because the general force sets the limits. This I observed by a varied experience with spirits, some of whom were then feeling a kind of anguish, saying it was as if they were tied up, because this subject was being thought about. Reflecting on it brought forth the general field, which they cannot stand because then their faults are reflected on. 1748, 20 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2008

2008. By means of an almost similar general sphere, others are otherwise governed, everyone according to his nature and genius, but yet within his proper limits, beyond which he cannot roam, for the general prescribes limits. These things were observed by a various experience in regard to spirits, some of whom were at the time, as it were, pained, saying that they seemed to themselves to be in bonds, because the facts were reflected upon, which reflection produced a general sphere that they were unable to sustain, inasmuch as the reflection disclosed their faults. - 1748, May 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 2008 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2008. Ex simili communi fere, reguntur alii aliter, quivis secundum suam naturam ac indolem, sed usque tamen intra limites ejus, sic ut extra vagari nequeant, nam commune praescribit limites; quae observata per experientiam variam in spiritibus, quorum quidam tunc quasi angebantur, dicebantque se esse quasi in vinculis, quia reflectebatur super ea, quae reflexio etiam pariebat sphaeram communem, quam sustinere nequeunt, quia reflectitur super eorum vitiosa. 1748, 20 Maj.

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