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《灵界经历》 第2009节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2009

2009. On human thinking, how slow and obscure it is

It is known that people can think in a minute's time what they cannot express in speaking or writing in the space of an hour. For while thinking, they are enclosing everything together under a general, governing mental image, and all the concordant details flow appropriately to them from the memory, forming part of their general idea. Nevertheless, that general is such that they see the chain of thoughts that follow. Even if only obscurely, they still see it, and join it together, because they draw a conclusion. This, too, shows what a general is that governs the least parts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2009


It is known that man can think in a minute of time what he is unable to express by speech or writing in the space of an hour; for when he thinks he concludes all things within the compass of a general idea which governs, and everything accordant flows consistently from his memory, and from parts of his general idea; yet this general is of such a quality that he sees the series of consequences, though obscurely, still he sees them and connects them, because he draws a conclusion. From this it may be seen what is the nature of that general principle which governs singulars.

Experientiae Spirituales 2009 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2009. De cogitatione hominis, quam lenta et obscura

Notum est quod homo cogitare possit in minuto temporis, quod per loquelam et scriptum exprimere nequeat intra aliquod spatium horae; cum enim cogitat, concludit omnia sub idea communi, quae regnat, et ei convenienter fluunt ex memoria, ea, quae concordant, et sunt partes communis ejus ideae, usque communis talis est, ut videat consequentium seriem, tametsi obscure, usque videt, connectit, quia concludit, inde quoque constare potest, quale est commune, quod regit singularia.

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