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《灵界经历》 第2010节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2010

2010. But that general, which seems to a person so rapid and instantaneous, is actually in itself so slow that the angels of the inward heaven are able to think more rapidly and clearly within one moment than that person can within many hours, and even then, vaguely. This was told to spirits, who became very indignant. Nevertheless it is true, because it was corroborated. 1748, 20 May.

However, there is great differentiation among people in regard to thinking. In those who have a closing off [of the mind], the more memory there is, the less there is of thought. But in those who have an opening, the more inward memory there is, the more there is of thought; for to them more is imparted by the Lord, according to His good pleasure. 1748, 20 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2010

2010. But this general, which appears to men so quick and momentaneous, is yet in itself so slow, that the angels of the interior heaven can think more rapidly and distinctly in one moment than man can within many hours, during which he will still think obscurely. This was said to spirits, who were highly indignant thereupon, although, as it was confirmed, it must stand for truth. - 1748, May 20. There is, however, a very considerable difference among men as to thoughts. With those in whom memory predominates, while there is otherwise a certain closure of the mind, there is less of thought; while with those in whom the mind is open, and more of the interior memory prevails, there is so much more of thought, because there are more things inserted into it by the Lord, according to His good pleasure. - 1748, May 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 2010 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2010. Sed commune hoc, quod homini apparet tam citum et momentaneum, usque in se est tam lentum, ut angeli interioris coeli cogitare queant citius et distinctius intra unum momentum, quam homo intra plures horas, et usque tamen obscure, quod dictum est spiritibus, qui indignati valde, et usque tamen est verum, quia confirmatum. 1748, 20 Maj. Differentia usque multa est hominum quoad cogitationes; in quibus clausum est, et plus memoriae, eo minus cogitationis 1

inest, in quibus autem apertum, et plus memoriae interioris, eo plus cogitationis, quia ei {a} inferuntur plura a Domino, secundum Ipsius beneplacitum. 1748, 20 Maj.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has cogitationi

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