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《灵界经历》 第202节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 202

202. About the devil's Extreme Wickedness

That he could be so wicked as to be able to tempt the Messiah most deeply, I have wondered at within myself! But I have heard from heaven that because [the devil] was created into a state of perfection, and fell from it, such wickedness as was in him cannot ever be imagined; and because Adam had been infected by that wickedness, he was cast out of the paradise, and the way to the tree of life was put under guard [Gen. 3:24]; for he is able to corrupt every human being, except the Messiah Alone. But now he is kept in bonds; only his gang is let out, which is therefore meant by "the devil," as he is called. 1747, the 23rd day of September (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 202


I have pondered with myself whether the malice [of the devil] could be so great that he could tempt the inmosts of the Messiah. But I heard from heaven that because he was created into a state of perfection, and fell therefrom, such malice as there was in him can never be perceived. And because Adam was infected with that malice he was expelled from Paradise and the way to the Tree of Life was guarded, for he can pervert every man, except the Messiah alone. Now, however, he is held in bonds; only his crew are let out, who are thus meant by the devil as he is called. 11747, Sept. 23, o.s.


1. This paragraph is thus entered in the Index (s.v. Diabolus):

"The worst kind of devil is from those best instructed, thus from the apostates of the Most Ancient Church."

Experientiae Spirituales 202 (original Latin 1748-1764)

202. De Summa Malitia diaboli

Quod tanta malitia potuerit esse, ut intima Messiae tentare potuisset, apud me cogitavi ! sed a coelo audivi, quod is quia in perfectionis statum creatus est, et inde lapsus 1

, quod nusquam talis malitia, possit percipi, qualis in eo fuit; et quia ea malitia infectus erat Adamus, e paradiso expulsus est, et custodita via ad arborem vitae [Gen. III: 24], nam potest is pervertere unumquemvis hominem; praeter Solum Messiam; nunc autem in vinculis tenetur, modo ejus turba emittitur, quae sic per diabolum, ut vocatur, intelligitur. 1747, die 23 Sept. st. v.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has lap, ubi finis verbi abscissus

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