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《灵界经历》 第203节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 203

203. About the condition in which spirits and angels perceive things that are in the body and in the world

The condition of angels and spirits in people on earth is such that they cannot perceive any of the things that are in the lower realms, except in those persons to whom the gate into heaven has been opened. Such a person can devote himself to inner matters, when the senses have been withdrawn from outer ones.

The reason why the angels and spirits in this case do perceive things is that they then more or less attract perceptions, and the person on earth passes these on to them by consciously mirroring the things, as if inviting them to perceive the surroundings. This has been verified by numerous instances.

So angels and spirits perceive nothing whatever from humans, except insofar as they are given that ability by God the Messiah. As for the reflecting that enables them to perceive, much would have to be told about it. 1747, the 4th day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 203


The state of angels and spirits in men is such that they can perceive nothing of those things that are in lower spheres, except only in those persons with whom the gate into heaven is opened. Then the man can concern himself with internal things, his senses having been withdrawn from things external. The angels and spirits can then perceive such things because they then as it were attract man's perceptions, and he communicates them to the spirits and angels by his reflections, which are as it were invitations to perceive those things which are outside of them. This has been confirmed by very many experiences. Wherefore angels and spirits perceive nothing whatever from human beings except so far as the opportunity is granted them by God Messiah. As regards the reflections by which they are enabled to perceive, many things will have to be said. 1747, Oct. 4, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 203 (original Latin 1748-1764)

203. De spirituum et angelorum statu percipiendi 1

ea quae sunt in corpore et in mundo

Status angelorum et spirituum in hominibus, est, ut nihil possint percipere ab iis, quae sunt in sphaeris inferioribus, solum in iis, quibus porta in coelum aperta est, tunc vacare potest homo internis, abductis sensibus ab externis; quod tunc percipiant angeli et spiritus, in causa est, quod ii tunc attrahant quasi perceptiones, et homo cum iis communicet eas per reflexiones, quae sunt quasi invitationes ad percipiendum ea, quae extra eos sunt, hoc permultis confirmatum est, quare angeli et spiritus nihil prorsus percipiunt ab humanis, nisi quantum a Deo Messia, iis datur copia; quod ad reflexionem ut percipiant, multa dicenda forent. 1747, die 4 Oct. st. v.

1 sic J.F.I. Tafel; ms. percipienda

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