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《灵界经历》 第204节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 204

204. About the gentiles, or the uninformed: they come into the Heavenly Kingdom more easily than the informed

Today I was shown by actual experience how gentiles with an evil character more easily embrace the faith and practice charity than those who have been instructed. Gentiles somewhat evil in character were [present] for quite a while and stirred up many evil things; but they did this for the reason that they had been unable to hear and understand what had been said and talked about. I judged them to be evil spirits, but later, when the light of understanding was given them by the mercy of God the Messiah so that they would understand like the informed, they began to speak, and very devoutly, calling upon the mercy of God the Messiah, and displaying heartfelt charity toward the others; so they were allowed to join them.

They behaved so kindly and so intelligently and wisely, that I could not but marvel; while on the other hand, the informed were indignant at their being admitted into heaven. Thus those they had judged to be spirits were changed into angels.

About the persecution of those same ones this last night and the evening before, I cannot say anything except that there were persecutions and lamentations. I can testify that there were persecutions of the devout gentiles by the informed. 1747, the 6th day of October. This also confirms [the prophecy] that from Arabia would come those who would strike the instructed with shame, as we read in Chapter 66 of Isaiah. Obs.: When the light of understanding is taken from them, then they are evil, which they complained about vehemently; whereas when the light of understanding is dawning, then they quickly change, and are good and affectionate; it is different with the informed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 204


It was shown me today by living experience how gentiles who are evil as to their nature more easily embrace the faith and exercise charity, than those who had been instructed. There were gentiles [with me] for some time who in some respects were of an evil nature and excited many evil things, but this they did for the reason that they had been unable to hear and perceive what was said and spoken. I supposed that they were evil spirits. Later, however, when of the mercy of God Messiah intellectual light was given them, so that they might perceive as did those who were instructed, they began to speak very piously, imploring the mercy of God Messiah, and from the heart they professed charity towards the others, so they were admitted that they might be present. They behaved themselves so modestly, and so intelligently and wisely, that I could not but be astonished; whilst, on the other hand, those who had been instructed were indignant that the others should be admitted into heaven. Thus those whom they had supposed to be spirits were turned into angels. Concerning the persecution of the same gentile spirits this night and the evening before, I cannot say anything more than that there were persecutions and lamentations; I can suppose that they were persecutions of pious gentiles by those who were instructed. 1747, Oct. 6. Thus it is also confirmed that there would come from Arabia those who would put the instructed to shame, as we read in Isaiah lxvi. Observe: When intellectual light is taken away from them they are then evil, concerning which they also greatly complain; but as soon as intellectual light shines forth again, they are speedily converted, and become good and beloved. It is otherwise with those who are instructed.

Experientiae Spirituales 204 (original Latin 1748-1764)

204. De gentibus seu non instructis, quod facilius in Regnum Coeleste perveniant quam instructi

Hodie mihi per vivam experientiam ostensum est, quomodo gentes, quoad indolem mali 1

, facilius 2

arripiant fidem, et charitatem exerceant, quam qui instructi fuerunt, gentes alioquin malae indolis aliquamdiu fuerunt, et plura mala excitarunt, sed ob causam, quod non potuissent audire et percipere ea, quae dicta et loquuta sunt; arbitratus sum quod essent mali spiritus, postmodum autem, quum lux intellectualis iis ex misericordia Dei Messiae data sit, ut perciperent sicut instructi, inceperunt loqui, et tam pie, inclamantes misericordiam Dei Messiae, et charitatem erga caeteros professi ex corde sunt, ita admissi, ut interessent, qui tam modeste se praebuerunt, et tam intelligenter ac sapienter, ut non potuissem non mirari, dum contra ii qui instructi, indignati, quod admitterentur, in coelum, ita qui spiritus arbitrati in angelos versi sunt: de persequutiones eorundem hac nocte, et praecedente vespera, aliquid non possum loqui, praeter quod persecutiones et lamentationes essent; arbitrari possum, quod persequutiones essent pioruma gentium, ab instructis. 1747, die 6 Oct. Sic et confirmatur quod venturi ab Arabia, qui pudore afficerent instructos, sicut in Cap. LXVI. Esaj. legitur. Obs: quando lux intellectualis iis aufertur, tunc sunt mali, quod etiam valde questi sunt, at vero dum lux intellectualis affulget, tunc cito convertuntur et sunt boni et chari; aliter instructi.


1. gentes hic ut alibi masculine dictum

2. In the Manuscript facili in facile emendatum

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