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《灵界经历》 第2030节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2030

2030. About one recently departed

A certain spirit came to me in the evening and spoke with me, showing all the signs of having come recently from the earth. Since spirits, who are eager to know everything, were then trying different ways to find out what he was like, and whether there was anything discordant in him, they at once wanted to attack him, but every time they were held back from so doing. So he was constantly being defended, especially for the reason, of course, that he was a stranger, to whom we are commanded to do good. Therefore, good spirits and angels, by the Lord's power, protected him, even though those spirits were trying in different ways to take him into their company, and thus to inflict evil on him, as usual-using their special arts, of course, but in vain.

He was at first overhead, later below the cerebellum, so that they could not find out what he was like.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2030


A certain spirit came to me at evening, and spoke with me, and from certain indications it appeared that he was recently from the earth; and as spirits are covetous of knowing everything, they were variously desirous of exploring his quality, and if they found anything discordant, then they were disposed forthwith to infest him, but were as often withheld from so doing, so that he was continually defended, and more especially from the fact that he was a stranger, to whom it is commanded that good shall always be done. He was therefore shielded from assault by good spirits, by angels, and by the Lord, although the spirits sought by various methods to associate him to themselves, and thus to do him harm, as usual; indeed, they had recourse to their peculiar arts, but in vain. He was at first above the head, afterwards under the cerebellum, so that they were unable to ascertain his quality.

Experientiae Spirituales 2030 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2030. De quodam qui nuper decessit

Quidam ad me venit vespera, qui mecum loquutus est, et ex signis constare potuit, quod nuper e terra venit, et sicut {a} tunc spiritus, qui sunt avidi sciendi, varie volebant explorare qualis esset, et si aliquid non concordaret, illico eum infestare volebant, sed toties prohibebantur, sic ut defenderetur continue, et quidem praecipue ex ea causa, quod peregrinus, quibus bonum facere mandatum est, ideo boni sppritus, et angeli, a Domino, tutati sunt eum, quamvis [spiritus] variis modis eum sibi associare vellent, et sic malum ei afferre, ut solitum, imo suis artibus usi, sed in vanum. Is erat primum supra 1

caput, postea sub cerebello; ut non scire inde potuerint, qualis.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition super

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