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《灵界经历》 第205节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 205

205. About the deceptions of the senses in all things: unless they are dispelled, truth can never appear

Angels were very amazed that people of the present time, even those reputed to be learned, do not grasp the fact that the human being is composed of three distinct faculties - in addition to the body, which will die - that actually relate to so many heavens of angels. And they were also surprised that people still do not know that a human being's life does not at all belong to the person, but that all life is poured in by God the Messiah.

In other words, people are under such great shadows and deceptions, that they can hardly believe otherwise than that the eye sees of itself, thus that the mind within feels of itself, and that the human intellect understands of itself - when yet a lower entity [is governed] by one higher than itself, and all [are governed] by the Highest, thus by God the Messiah. It is only instrumental functions that human beings have [from Him], by which they are individuated, as everyone can understand.

Therefore, if we do not dispel these fallacies, we can never be said to abide in truth. To have faith, it is necessary that one believe truth; this opens up the way to God the Messiah, Who is Truth Itself.

Therefore they are also greatly amazed - since human beings do not perceive by sense even the most nearby causes behind the objects of nature [and yet believe they are there] - that they should be unwilling to believe in the spiritual, heavenly and Divine realities that are remote, remoter and remotest, unless they perceive them with the eyes, and practically feel them. 1747, October 9th.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 205


The angels are very much surprised that the men of this age, even those reputed to be learned, do not apprehend that man, in addition to the body which is to die, consists of three distinct faculties, which relate to just so many heavens of angels. They are also very much surprised that men do not yet know that the life of man is never man's, but that all life is infused by God Messiah. Indeed, the shades and fallacies are so great that men can scarcely suppose otherwise than that the eye sees of itself, and the interior mind sensates of itself, and that man's understanding understands of itself, when yet what is inferior is from that which is superior to it, and all is from the Supreme, thus from God Messiah. The things that man has are only organic [forms], from which differences arise, as can be known. Wherefore, unless man disperses those fallacies it can never be said that he is in the truth. In order that he may have faith, it is necessary that the truth should be believed; this opens up the way to God Messiah, Who is Truth itself. On this account the angels were also greatly surprised that, although man does not perceive the proximate causes of natural objects, he is not willing to have faith in things spiritual, celestial and Divine - which are remote, more remote, and most remote - unless he is able to perceive them with his eyes, and as it were to feel them. 1747, Oct. 9. 1


1. The unnumbered paragraph which is placed after n, 205 in the Latin Edition may be found following n, 972, where it properly belongs.

Experientiae Spirituales 205 (original Latin 1748-1764)

205. De fallaciis sensuum in omnibus rebus, quibus nisi discussis nusquam apparere potest veritas

Angeli valde mirati sunt, quod homines hujus temporis, etiam qui docti audiunt, non capiant, quo homo ex tribus distinctis facultatibus consistant 1

, quae nempe se referunt [ad] 2

totidem coelos angelorum, praeter corpus quod moriturum est; tum etiam valde mirati sunt, quod nesciant adhuc, hominis vitam nusquam hominis esse, sed vitam omnem infundi a Deo Messia, quod nempe tantae umbrae et fallaciae sint, ut vix aliter autumare queant, quam quod oculus ex se videat, sic quod mens interior ex se sentiat, et quod intellectus humanus ex se intelligat, cum tamen inferior a suo superiori, et omnes a Supremo, sic a Deo Messia, sunt modo organica quae homo habet, ex quibus fluunt differentiae, ut notum esse potest. Quare nisi homo fallacias istas discutit, nusquam potest dici quod in veritate sit; ut fidem habeat, necessum est ut veritas 3

credatur, id pandit viam ad Deum Messiam, Qui est Ipsa Veritas. Quare etiam mirantur valde, quum homo ne [quidem] percipiat causas proximas naturalium objectorum, quod etiam non fidem habere velit spiritualibus, coelestibus ac Divinis, quae remotae, remotiores et remotissimae sunt, nisi eas oculis queat percipere et quasi sentire. 1747, 9 Oct.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; 1 Manuscript in veritate m[aneat]

3. The Manuscript has veritate

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