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《灵界经历》 第2044节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2044

2044. Afterwards they were instructed that "nothing" meant that one would lose all that is one's own, that is, one's own desires, and thus iniquities, and that then a different person would emerge. They were told that they could not be something before they had lost what was their own, and to the extent that they lose those things, or are reduced to nothing, they begin to be something, and then they would have whatever they longed for and thought about, like the soul spoken of above [2037].

For he is given by the Lord to long for the right things, which he surely obtains in abundance, together with enjoyment - and this constantly, so long as, and so far as, he is nothing unto himself. So he receives countless things, together with innermost joy and gladness, and with immeasurably fuller awareness than man feels in his enjoyments, and in unending variety. The sensation and awareness, which they had thought would be gone, then also increase unendingly when the sensation and awareness of enjoyments from their own loves cease.

Thus instructed, the spirits began to think about it and wish [to be nothing], even though they were not good spirits. But they were then in a kind of sleep. 1748, 22 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2044

2044. They were afterwards instructed that by nothing [in this case] was meant that a man should lose all that was his own, that is, his cupidities, and so his iniquities, and thus that he should come to exist as another person, and that they could never be anything until they had lost that which was theirs, and that in proportion as they experienced that loss, or was reduced to nothing, they would begin to be something; and that then they would have whatever they desired or thought, like the soul above mentioned, for it is given to him by the Lord to desire such things as are suitable, and those also he obtains in abundance, enjoying them with delight, and without cessation, so long and so far as he is nothing to himself. On this ground he has indefinite favors granted him, which he enjoys with inmost joy and delight, and with a perception vastly fuller than that of which other men are conscious in the possession of their delights, to say nothing of the boundless variety which attends them. The sensation and perception, which they thought would be extinguished, are infinitely heightened when self-love ceases to be the ruling principle of their delights. Thus instructed, the spirits began to reflect and to desire; and although they were not good, yet they were in a certain species of sleep [in which their evils were in abeyance.] - 1748, May 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2044 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2044. Postea instructi sunt, quod "nihil" significaret id, quod homo perderet omne suum, hoc est suas cupiditates, ita iniquitates, et sic existeret alius, et quod non potuissent esse aliquid priusquam amiserint id quod eorum est, et in ratione, qua ea amittunt, seu annihilantur, incipiunt esse aliquid, et tunc haberent quicquid usquam desiderarent, et cogitarent, sicut anima, de qua supra [2037], nam datur ei {a} a Domino desiderare ea quae conveniunt ea quoque nanciscitur in copia cum delectatione, ac ita continue, dum est quantum est nihil sibi, ita indefinita habet ea cum intimo gaudio laetitia perceptione indefinite pleniore, quam homo in suis delectamentis cum indefinita varietate; sensatio perceptio tunc quoque infinite augetur, quam putarunt nullam fore, cum sensatio perceptio delectamentorum a suis amoribus cessarent. Ita instructi spiritus ceperunt {b} cogitare optare [nihil esse], tametsi non boni essent, sed erant tunc in quadam specie somni. 1748, 22 Maj.

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