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《灵界经历》 第206节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 206

206. [This second section of experiences extracted from volumes of the Bible Index, containing paragraphs 206 to 972 1/2, was originally written at the end of the Bible Index of the Prophetical Books.]

Abraham does not know us, as we read [Is. 63:16], and the angels do not know us

For a long time I believed that the innermost and very inward angels knew what I was doing and thinking, since I thought it was their doing that the evil plans and deceptions of lying spirits were constantly being restrained. But when I was allowed on several occasions, by the Divine Mercy of God the Messiah, to speak with others who were bringing down the thinking of those angels to me, it was told by them that those angels did not know at all what I was doing or seeing, as did the spirits closest by, but that they were nevertheless continually reacting against the endeavors and acts of evil spirits, or of their aura, which they sensed most keenly, but did not know from what cause or from what person [it arose]. So it is only God the Messiah, Who acts through His angels, Who sees and knows every least thing, and Who therefore directs human endeavors. Now this is what is meant by the words, "Abraham does not know us." Today by means of a certain abstract thought, something ascended to the angels which moved them. They were surprised, and then spoke with me through others. 1747, the 13th day of October (old calendar).

Nor do the angels want to know what is going on on earth, because they are aware that everything has gone to corruption and ruin; wherefore they desire that the Kingdom of God the Messiah may come, hoping that communication may thus be opened up between them and mankind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 206


For a long time I supposed that the inmost and more interior angels knew what I was doing and thinking, since I was of the opinion that the continual repression of the evil intentions and falsehoods of false spirits came from them. But when, by the Divine Mercy of God Messiah, I have sometimes been allowed to speak with others, who transferred their intellectual ideas to me, they said that they did not at all know or see what I was doing, as did the spirits nearest me, but that they were nevertheless in continual reaction against the endeavors and acts of the evil spirits, that is, of their sphere which they felt most sensitively; but from what cause, or from what man, they did not know. Thus it is God Messiah alone Who acts by means of His angels, Who sees and knows the most single things, and so disposes human endeavors. This is what is meant by the words - "Abraham doth not know us". [Is. lxiii 16.] Today, something ascended to the angels by a certain kind of abstract thought, by which, to their surprise, they were moved; and thus they spoke with me through others. 1747, Oct. 13, o.s. Nor do the angels want to know what is taking place on earth, because they are aware that there is nothing but what is perverse and vastated, wherefore they ardently desire the coming of the Kingdom of God Messiah, hoping that thus communication between themselves and men will be opened. 1


1. This passage is thus entered in the Index (s.v. Angelus):

"The angels of the interior heaven perceived nothing of my sensual things; but still they were in a continual general reaction against each single attempt of the evil spirits; concerning this I was instructed by word of mouth, and also from the fact that the angels were all at once given to perceive something which made them wonder whence it was: also that they do not desire to be in earthly things, because these are too remote from them, being perverted, and particulars."

Between n. 206 and n. 207 the following unfinished paragraph was crossed out: "THAT THE INTELLECTUAL IS SEPARATED FROM THE VOLUNTARY.

It has also been demonstrated by living experience, not only that the intellectual is separated from the voluntary, but also that evil spirits suppose that they are of a good nature, and sometimes well ..."

Experientiae Spirituales 206 (original Latin 1748-1764)

206. [VOLUMINIS PRIMI, extractorum sectio secunda, continens paragraphos 206 ad [972a], originaliter ex Indice Biblico Librorum

Propheticorum extractas] 1

Quod Abrahamus non sciat nos, ut legitur [Esaj. LXIII:[16], quodque angeli non sciant


Diu autumavi, quod angeli intimi ac intimiores scirent, quid agerem, et cogitarem, quoniam ab iis arbitrabar 3

venire, quod compescerentur continue falsorum spirituum intentiones malae, et falsiloquia, verum quum aliquoties ex Divina Dei Messiae misericordia, cum aliis loqui liceret, qui intellectualia eorum ad me deferrent, dictum est ab iis, quod prorsus nescirent, quid agerem, nec viderent, sicut spiritus proximi, verum quod usque continue essent in reactione contra conatus et actus spirituum malorum seu sphaerae eorum, quam optime sentiebant, sed ex qua causa et ex quo homine nesciebant, ita solummodo est Deus Messias, Qui per angelos Ipsius agit, Qui singularissima videt et novit, et sic disponit humanos conatus, hoc nunc est, quod intelligitur per ea verba, quod "Abraham non cognoscit nos"; hodie per abstractam quandam cogitationem, ascendebat aliquid ad angelos, quibus 4

movebantur, quod mirati, et sic per alios mecum loquuti. 1747, die 13 Oct. st. v. Angeli nec scire volunt, quid peragitur in terris, quia norunt quod nihil non perversum et vastatum est, quare desiderant, ut Regnum Dei Messiae veniat, sperantes quod sic aperiretur communicatio inter eos et homines.


1. vide praefationem hujus voluminis sub capite "Numbers 206 to [972a]"

2. hic supra post 205 ut ei infra post 972 inseruit in J.F.I. Tafel's edition paragraphum a nobis [972a] numeratam; vide praefationem hujus voluminis sub capite "Numbers 206 to [972a]"

3. In the Manuscript arbitror in arbitrabar emendatum

4. sic manuscript

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