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《灵界经历》 第207节

(一滴水译本 2020--)




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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 207

207. About the normal state of spirits with people on earth [164]

Spirits around or in people who do not speak with them or reflect upon them, do not at all believe they are those people they are present with, but only that they are people, and that they live like them. For every spirit believes himself to be a person on earth, and is indignant if told otherwise. In fact, they think they have ears, eyes and senses such as people on earth, and when I told and showed them that this cannot be the case, for several reasons, it displeased them.

1. ) But because I was able, by certain reflections granted to me by God the Messiah's mercy, and several other methods, to give them the feeling that they had use of bodily senses, I came to the conclusion that this idea does remain with them after the death of the body, and that the more inward aspects of a person do not know otherwise than that they are a human being, for into the image [of the more inward person] the body was formed [in the first place]. By means of muscles, the body acts in unison with the will, as is well known, whence comes the abiding idea of body.

2. ) Today also I was shown that spirits could be present and speak with me, as well as perceive my thoughts - and nevertheless see nothing that I did. So I was almost sent back into my former state; then I could feel nothing whatever of their operation as I usually could, except so little that I could hardly tell the difference between this and the ordinary state. 1747, the 13th day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 207


There are spirits around or with men who do not speak with spirits, and reflect back to them. Not that the spirits suppose themselves to be those men with whom they are, but only that they themselves are men; and they act as such. For every spirit supposes that he is a man, and is indignant if he is told otherwise. Indeed, they suppose that they have ears, eyes, and senses, such as men have: and when I said and demonstrated to them that this could not be the case for several reasons, they were indignant. Inasmuch as it has been conceded me by the mercy of God Messiah, I could affect them by means of certain reflections, and in many other ways, as if they enjoyed the use of the [corporeal] senses. I was thence able to conclude that a like idea remains with them after the death of the body, and that the more interior things of man know no otherwise than that they are the man; for the body is formed according to the image of the man, and by means of the muscles it acts as one with the will, as is well known; hence the idea of the body remains. It was also shown me today that spirits could be present and speak with me, as also to perceive what I thought, and yet they could not see anything I did, so that I was almost let into my former state; then, as formerly, I could feel nothing whatever of their operation, except so very fine that I could scarcely distinguish it from the common state. 1747, Oct. 13, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 207 (original Latin 1748-1764)

207. De spirituum statu communi apud homines

Spiritus circum aut penes homines, qui cum illis non loquuntur ac reflectunt ad eos, non quid 1

autumant se esse eos homines, apud quos sunt, sed modo quod sint homines, et sic agant, nam unusquisque spiritus autumat se esse hominem, et indignatur si aliud iis dicatur, imo putant se habere aures, oculos et sensus, quales homines, cumque iis dicerem ac demonstrarem, quod res ita se habere nequeat, ex aliquibus causis, indignati 2

sunt; quippe per certas reflexiones, ex misericordia Dei Messiae concessas mihi potui 3

afficere eos, tanquam sensibus fruerentur, et pluribus aliis modis, inde concludere potui, quod similis idea penes eos remaneat, post corporis mortem, et quod intimiora hominis nihil aliud sciant, quam quod homo sint, ad imaginem ejus enim corpus formatum est; et per musculos unum agit corpus cum voluntate, ut notum est, inde idea remanens corporis. Hodie quoque mihi ostensum est, quod spiritus adesse potuerint, et mecum loqui, ut et percipere cogitata, et tamen nihil videre, quod egi; sic ut paene remissus sim in statum priorem; tunc nihil usquam sentire potui de operatione eorum, sicut alioquin, nisi ita perparum, ut vix id discernere potuissem a communi statu. 1747, die 13 Octob. st. v.


1. hoc est prorsus non

2. exitus abscissus in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has Messiae, concessas mihi potu

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