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《灵界经历》 第2067节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2067

2067. What harm mental images do when profane elements are mingled with them

Since, therefore, so many societies of the world of spirits and of heaven contribute to each single mental image of a person on earth, and of a spirit, it follows that if anything filthy or profane is clinging to the ideas, clean elements are contaminated by unclean and holy ones by profane, and because they are together, they cannot but defile the purer societies, causing them disgust and nausea, so they cannot be in the societies of good spirits, much less of heavenly ones, before the Lord has separated those things, and while they are in the societies, He separates them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2067


Since, therefore, there concur in every idea of man and spirit the ideas of so many societies of the world of spirits and heaven, it follows, if anything filthy or profane inheres in ideas, that clean things must be polluted by unclean, or sacred by profane things, because simultaneously present; they cannot but defile the purer societies, and occasion them disgust and nausea; wherefore they cannot be in the societies of good spirits, still less of the celestials, before the Lord has separated these things, as when they are in societies He separates them.

Experientiae Spirituales 2067 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2067. Quid damni ferant ideae, dum iis immixta sunt prophana

Cum itaque tot societatum mundi spirituum et coeli ideae concurrant ad unamquamvis hominis, et spiritus, consequitur, si in ideis aliquid spurci aut prophani inhaeret, quod munda immundis, aut sancta prophanis polluantur, [et] 1

quia simul insunt, non possunt {a} non societates puriores inquinare, et iis fastidium et nauseam dare, quare in societatibus bonorum spirituum minus coelestium esse nequeunt, antequam Dominus separaverit ea, ac dum in societatibus sunt, separet.


1. semideletum in the Manuscript

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