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《灵界经历》 第208节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 208

208. Things that spirits most especially shrink from, such as sharp articles, and certain kinds of animals

There are some things which spirits most especially shrink from, as when anything like sharp, pointed articles were imaged in my mind, immediately then, as if aroused, they would start to make trouble. I believe this was due to the fact that things of this nature cannot be conveyed and portrayed to the angels; for earthly figures are those that are comparatively sharp, while heavenly forms begin from what is circular.

There are certain kinds of animals also which they very much abhor for the same reason, such as those, I suppose - I am still not sure about this - which are forbidden in the books of Moses and considered as profane.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 208


There are things that spirits especially abhor; as when things that were sharp, pointed and the like entered into my imagination, they were, as it were, immediately excited and stirred up disturbances. I suppose the reason is that such things cannot be conveyed to the angels by means of representations, for earthly figures are more pointed, whereas heavenly forms begin from the circular. There are also certain species of animals which they especially abhor for a similar reason, like those - as I suppose, though I am not as yet certain of it - which are forbidden in the Books of Moses and are regarded as profane.

Experientiae Spirituales 208 (original Latin 1748-1764)

208. Quae spiritus maximopere abhorreant, ut acuta et quasdam 1

species animalium

Sunt, quae spiritus maximopere abhorrent, sicut dum in imaginationem intrarent ea, qua 2

acuta essent, punctoria et similia, illico tunc quasi excitati turbas movebant; ex causa, ut arbitror, quod similia nequeant per repraesentationes referri ad angelos, nam figurae terrestres sunt ea qua 3

acutiora sunt, at vero formae coelestes a circulari inchoant; sunt etiam quaedam animalium species, quas etiam summopere abhorrent, ex simili causa, sicut ea, quae ut autumem-- de 4

qua re adhuc non certus sum in 5



1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quaedam

2. = quae (forma antiqua)

3. = quae (forma antiqua)

4. The Manuscript has autumem, de

5. The Manuscript has sum, in

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