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《灵界经历》 第209节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 209

209. About a Spiritual property on the plane of nature, and the fact that religious truths can be preached by an earthly-minded person

What we are calling a spiritual property on the plane of nature is that element within the light of nature that gives people the ability to reason in general, even about spiritual and heavenly matters, and about religious truth, and also to preach and persuade regarding them, even if it is an earthly-minded person. It should be noted that [with such,] these are matters of the memory, which are brought forth by a native perspicuity, and this from various motives and desires, both short and long range.

The spiritual property that endows an earthly person with the ability to reason is something spiritual that does not have the heavenly within it, because if it had, then it would come forth from what is heavenly, thus from the genuine source, that is from Love, thus from God the Messiah. However, one may think of this spiritual element as being encompassed by the heavenly, because without the heavenly element, no ability to reason can exist.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 209


That is called the spiritual-natural which is within natural lumen, enabling man to reason in general, and even about spiritual and celestial things and the truth of faith, and indeed, enabling him to preach and persuade, although he is a natural man. It is to be observed that these things are matters of memory which are excited by natural lumen and, indeed, from various causes and cupidities near and remote. The spiritual which gives the faculty of reasoning in a natural man is a spiritual that does not have the celestial in it, for if it had the celestial, it would proceed from the celestial, and so from a genuine source, namely, from love, thus from God Messiah. Still this spiritual can be conceived as being encompassed by the celestial: for without the celestial no faculty of reasoning is possible.


1. Spirituale naturale; the entry in the Index is naturale spirituale (natural spiritual).

Experientiae Spirituales 209 (original Latin 1748-1764)

209. Mosis vetita sunt, ac sicut prophana considerata.

De Spirituali naturali, et quod veritates fidei ab homine naturali praedicari queant

Spirituale naturale vocatur, quod lumini naturali inest ut homo ratiocinari queat in genere, tum quoque de rebus spiritualibus et coelestibus, deque veritate fidei, imo praedicare et persuadere, tametsi homo naturalis est; observandum quod ea res memoriae sint, quae a lumine naturali excitantur, et quidem ex variis causis et cupiditatibus proximis et remotis; spirituale quod dat facultatem ratiocinandi in homine naturali, est spirituale quod in se non habet coeleste, quia si coeleste, tunc prodiret a coelesti, ita a genuino fonte, nempe ab Amore sic a Deo Messia; concipi potest usque hoc spirituale, quod ambiatur a coelesti, quia absque coelesti nulla facultas ratiocinandi datur.

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