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《灵界经历》 第210节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 210

210. About general fields arising from everything in the Kingdom of God the Messiah

Nothing more amazing and unbelievable can be told than that there are seemingly general realms or fields of those properties which constitute God the Messiah's Kingdom, that interact with those in human minds, both the more inward and the inward, which are in the Kingdom of God the Messiah. These fields cannot be described, but the matter could be illustrated by a comparison.

In general, there are higher and lower heavenly, as well as spiritual, fields. The lowest realm has been ruined as long as it is allowed for evil spirits to inhabit it, and this field still rises up even to the rational realm, and disturbs it.

Today, by the mercy of God the Messiah, I was placed in that rational field in such a way that the reasoning part of me was in harmony with that realm, which was therefore not disturbed as at other times. Then the spirits in it felt oppressed, saying that they could not live in it, as a bird in an atmosphere where there is no air, but [only] ether, or as a fish in air, but wanted to flee away. This tells me that when the Kingdom of God the Messiah comes, then evil spirits are necessarily cast out, for they are almost unable to draw breath in it, as just said. 1747, 20 October (old calendar).

When I was praying, especially the Lord's prayer, I was received into that realm, which enabled me to view the more inward content of that prayer.

All those heavenly and spiritual realms look to the Kingdom of God the Messiah, because they are from God the Messiah, Who is the Kingdom of God. It follows from all this that there must surely be a general realm, in order for there to be individual ones, which cannot exist except in community; and that all individual things relate back to collective ones, which in turn guide the individual ones - ultimately into the order they themselves are in. Otherwise individual elements must necessarily be cast out of the community. These are rules known to Philosophy, and universally valid.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 210


Nothing can be said to be more wonderful and incredible than that there are general spheres, as it were, of the things which are of the Kingdom of God Messiah, corresponding to the things in human minds, both the more interior and the interior which are in the Kingdom of God Messiah. These spheres cannot be described, but an idea of them can be presented by some comparison. The spheres in general are celestial, also spiritual, higher and lower. The lowest is destroyed so long as evil spirits are permitted to dwell therein this sphere, as yet, ascend even to the rational sphere, and disturbs it. Today, by the mercy of God Messiah, I was present in the rational sphere in such a way that any rational might be in agreement with that sphere, and so it was not disturbed, as it otherwise would have been. The spirits who were in that sphere then suffered anguish, and said they could not live in it; it was as if a bird were in a sphere where there was no air, but ether, or as a fish in the air, and they wanted to flee away. From this I could know that when the Kingdom of God Messiah comes, evil spirits are then of necessity expelled, for they are, as it were, unable to breathe in that sphere as was said. 1747, Oct. 20, o.s. When I was praying, especially when praying the Lord's Prayer, I have been received into that sphere, and then it was given me to perceive clearly the more interior things of the prayer.

[210a] All those celestial and spiritual spheres have regard to the Kingdom of God Messiah, because they are from God Messiah, Who is the Kingdom of God. From these things it can be concluded that there must assuredly be a general sphere in order that there may be particular ones, which could not exist unless they were within a general: and that all the particulars refer themselves to the generals, and the generals direct the particulars, and at length direct them into that order in which the generals are; otherwise they would of necessity be expelled from the general. These are rules with which philosophy is acquainted, and which govern in the universe.

Experientiae Spirituales 210 (original Latin 1748-1764)

210. De sphaeris communibus oriundis ab iis quae sunt Regni Dei Messiae

Nihil mirabilius et incredibilius potest dici, quam quod sint quasi sphaerae communes eorum quae sunt Regni Dei Messiae, quae correspondent iis in mentibus humanis, tam intimiori quam interiori, quae sunt in Regno Dei Messiae hae sphaerae describi non possunt, sed per aliquam comparationem potuisset sisti: sunt sphaerae in genere coelestes, tum spirituales, superiores et inferiores, infima destructa est, quamdiu malis spiritibus permissum est eam inhabitare, quae sphaera adhuc ascendit usque ad sphaeram rationalem, et eam perturbat; hodie per Dei Messiae misericordiam sistebar in sphaera rationali, sic ut rationale apud me concordaret cum ista sphaera, nec sic perturbaretur, ut alioquin, tunc spiritus qui inibi erant angebantur, dicebantque quod non vivere inibi possent, tanquam avis [in] 1

sphaera ubi non aer, sed aether 2

, aut sicut piscis in aere, sed volebant aufugere; ex iis scire possum, quod, quum Regnum Dei Messiae venit, quod tunc mali spiritus necessario expellantur, nam inibi quasi animam trahere nequeunt, ut dictum est. 1747, 20 Oct. st. v.

Quando orarem, cumprimis orationem Dominicam, in eam sphaeram receptus sum, et tunc intimiora orationis perspicere mihi dabatur. Sphaerae istae omnes coelestes et spirituales spectant Regnum Dei Messiae, quia sunt a Deo Messia, Qui est Regnum Dei. Ex his deduci potest, quod omnino sphaera communis dari debeat, ut sint particularia, quae non dari queant nisi in communi, et quod omnia 3

particularia referant se ad communia, et communia dirigant particularia, et tandem in eum ordinem in quo sunt communia, alioquin necessario expelluntur a communi--hae 4

sunt regulae, quas Philosophia novit, et quae regnant in universo.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; manuscript

2. The Manuscript has aeth

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. The Manuscript has communi, hae

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