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《灵界经历》 第2091节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2091

2091. How spirits and angels are in different societies

Spirits and angels do change societies, according to the Lord's every wish, thus from one society to another, to a thousand, and ten thousands, to all societies that agree in one way or another, depending upon their desires. And one thing worthy of amazement is that in response to variations of their feelings and longings, societies are continually being created, adding to their delights and joys, and then they feel themselves to be in a different delightful state. For their delights and joys depend on societies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2091


Spirits and angels change societies according to all the Lord's good pleasure, therefore from one society to another, so into thousands and myriads; all which are suitable in this or that respect, and according to their desires; and what is worthy of admiration is, that according to their affections, therefore the variations of their desires. Societies are formed thus, continually to their delight and joy; and that they then perceive themselves to be in another delightful state, for their delights and joys are according to their societies.

Experientiae Spirituales 2091 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2091. Quomodo spiritus et angeli sunt, in variis societatibus

Spiritus et angeli mutant societates, secundum omne beneplacitum Domini, sic ab una societate in alteram, ita in mille, et myriades, omnes quae ita conveniunt, aut ita, secundum eorum desideria; et quod admiratione dignum, [didici] quod secundum affectionum eorum, sic desideriorum variationes, societates formentur, ita continue ad eorum delitias, et gaudia; et quod tunc in alio delitioso statu se percipiant esse: nam secundum societates sunt eorum delitiae et gaudia.

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