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《灵界经历》 第21节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 21

21. Earthly spirits think they are people on earth, furnished with bodies, and therefore want to be regarded as such. However, it is not the body that makes the human being, but the mind, or understanding and will: so good spirits and angels are human beings. [Spirit; Person on earth; Body; Understanding, Understand; Will; Mind]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 21


Natural spirits suppose that they are men endowed with a body, and thus they wish to be regarded as men. The body, however, does not make the man, but the mind, that is, the understanding and will. Thus good spirits and angels are men. (Corpus, Homo, Intellectus, Mens, Spiritus, Voluntas.) (Genesis 49:20)

Experientiae Spirituales 21 (original Latin 1748-1764)

21. Quod spiritus naturales putent se homines esse corpore praeditos, et sic volunt hominem intelligi; at quod corpus non faciat hominem, sed mens, seu intellectus et voluntas; ita quod spiritus boni et angeli sint homines, n. 21. [Spiritus]

Quod spiritus naturales putent se homines esse corpore praeditos, et sic volunt hominem intelligi; at quod corpus non faciat hominem, sed mens, seu intellectus et voluntas; et quod spiritus boni et angeli sic homines sint, n. 21. [Homo]

Quod spiritus naturales putent se homines esse corpore praeditos, sic volunt hominem intelligi: at quod corpus non faciat hominem, sed mens, seu intellectus et voluntas; quare spiritus boni et angeli sunt homines, n. 21. [Corpus]

Spiritus naturales putant se homines esse corpore praeditos, sic volunt hominem intelligi: at corpus non facit hominem, sed mens, ejus intellectus et voluntas; quare spiritus boni et angeli sunt homines, n. 21. [Intellectus, Intelligere]

Spiritus naturales putant se homines esse corpore praeditos, sic volunt homines intelligi; at corpus non facit hominem, sed mens, ejus intellectus et voluntas, ita spiritus boni et angeli sunt homines, n. 21. [Voluntas]

Spiritus naturales putant se homines esse corpore praeditos, ita volunt hominem intelligi: at corpus non facit hominem, sed mens, seu intellectus et voluntas, ita spiritus boni et angeli sunt homines, n. 21. [Mens]

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