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《灵界经历》 第211节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 211

211. There are also realms of evil spirits which are to be called hellish ones, because they will be turned into hellish ones on the last day of judgment - these realms or fields rise up in proportion to the increases of human wickedness, or in proportion to the destruction of belief on the earth. Therefore, since they have risen so high at this day that they are suffocating or extinguishing all truth and belief, it necessarily follows that the Kingdom of God the Messiah will come shortly - otherwise no flesh can be saved [Matt. 24:22], and hardly anyone of the human race be regenerated.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 211

211. There are also spheres of evil spirits which are to be called infernal, because they are turned into infernal spheres in the day of the last judgment. These spheres ascend according to the increments of human wickedness, or according to the vastation of faith on earth. Since at this day these spheres have risen to such a height as to suffocate or extinguish all truth and faith, it therefore follows of necessity that the Kingdom of God Messiah must shortly come, otherwise no flesh can be saved [Matt. xxiv. 22, and scarcely anyone of the human race can be regenerated.

Experientiae Spirituales 211 (original Latin 1748-1764)

211. Dantur etiam sphaerae spirituum malorum, quae infernales vocandae, quia in infernales die ultimo 1

judicii vertuntur, hae sphaera 2

ascendunt secundum incrementa malitiae humanae, seu secundum fidei vastationem 3

in terris: quum itaque hodie tam alte ascenderint, ut suffocent aut exstinguant omnem veritatem et fidem, necessario sequitur quod Regnum Dei Messiae brevi venturum, alioquin nulla caro salvari potest [Matth. XXIV: 22], et vix quisquam e genere humano, regenerari.


1. sic Manuscript ut apparet, fortasse erronee pro ultimi

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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