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《灵界经历》 第2108节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2108

2108. About harmonious singing

Again, I heard harmonious singing [see 2090], and its harmoniousness was brought out by the Lord from a disharmony, to the delight of spirits and angels. They were so stunned with sheer delights that they said they did not know whether they had been transferred into the innermost heaven - even spirits not good, so that they were swept out of themselves by the sweetness. It still continues, and there is a quiet such as I have seldom felt before, because they are enraptured with delight. 1748, 28 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2108


Again have I heard a harmonious singing, and the harmony thereof was brought forth from unharmonious things by the Lord to the delights of spirits and angels, who were so spell-bound [obstupescebant] from the delights alone, that they said they did not know but they were translated into the inmost heaven, even spirits who were not good, so that they must be carried out of themselves with the sweetness. It still continues, and such is the quiet, that I have not often perceived such a stillness, because they were in a delightful stupor. - 1748, May 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2108 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2108. De cantu harmonico

Iterum audivi cantum harmonicum [vide 2090], et harmonicum ejus ex disharmonicis a Domino ferebatur ad delitias spirituum et angelorum, qui ita obstupescebant ex solis delitiis, ut dicerent, se nescire, num in intimum coelum translati sint, etiam spiritus non boni, sic ut extra se rapti sint ex dulcedine, adhuc perstat, et talis est quies, ut non saepe talem quietem percepi, quia in stupore delitioso sunt. 1748, 28 Maj.

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