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《灵界经历》 第212节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 212

212. As for the individual realms which constitute the collective ones, each angel, and each spirit, make their own realm, that has its own changing conditions. From the individual ones, a collective realm is thus formed by God the Messiah, which He does by arranging the angels and spirits by kinds and species, or classes, as if in tribes. Whether there are as many realms of angels, and as many contrary realms, as the tribes of Israel and Jacob, is still a question in my mind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 212

212. As to the particular spheres which constitute the general spheres, each angel and each spirit forms his own sphere, and this has its own changes of state. Thus a general sphere is formed by God Messiah out of particular spheres, and this by the arrangement of angels and spirits into genera and species, or into classes, and as it were, into tribes. Whether there are as many spheres of angels, and also as many contrary spheres, as the tribes of Israel and Jacob, is, as yet, left in doubt.

Experientiae Spirituales 212 (original Latin 1748-1764)

212. Quoad sphaeras particulares, quae constituunt communes, unusquisque angelus, et unusquisque spiritus suam sphaeram format, et haec suas habet mutationes status, ex particularibus sic sphaera communis a Deo Messia formatur, et quidem per dispositionem angelorum et spirituum in genera ac species, seu in 1

classes, et quasi tribus; num totidem sint sphaerae angelorum, ut et totidem sphaerae contrariae, ac tribus Israelis ac Jacobi, adhuc in dubio relinquitur.


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