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《灵界经历》 第2113节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2113

2113. What the Foreskin properly [stands for]

Actually, the foreskin symbolizes envy at the happiness of others, so the foreskins were to be cut off on account of their portrayal of the envy of others' happiness. This was shown me today, when I became aware that good spirits and angels were being raised up into inward joy, or a happiness above what they had had. Meanwhile, there were spirits who became displeased and envious, as they do for the most part, that others were being raised into happiness.

I was enabled to feel quite clearly the effects of both the happiness of the happy ones, and the indignation mingled with envy of the spirits, and what they came from. And when those who were indignant and envious were also raised up into a higher happiness, it was portrayed to me as if the foreskin were being removed, and one angel said to me that this shows what the foreskin symbolizes, and what circumcision portrayed. 1748, 29 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2113


The prepuce properly signifies envy at the happiness of others; wherefore the prepuce, on account of its representing envy at the happiness of others, was to be cut off. This was shown me today, for I perceived that good spirits and angels were brought into interior joy, or into a felicity superior to what they had possessed; and meanwhile there were spirits who were indignant and filled with envy, as is usual with them, because others were brought into a state of happiness. The state of both, to wit, the felicity of the happy, as well as the envy mingled with indignation of the spirits, it was granted me to perceive plainly enough and whence it came, and it was represented for me, when those who were indignant and filled with envy were also brought into a superior felicity, that the prepuce as it were was carried away, and it was told me by a certain angel that thence may be known what is signified and represented by the prepuce and circumcision. - 1748, May 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 2113 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2113. Quid proprie Praeputium

Proprie significat praeputium, invidiam propter felicitatem aliorum, quare praeputia ob repraesentationem invidiae propter felicitatem aliorum erant exscindenda; hoc mihi ostensum est hodie, appercepi enim quod spiritus boni et angeli auferrentur in interius gaudium, seu in felicitatem supra illam, quam habuerunt, ac interea erant spiritus, qui indignabantur, et invidebant, ut solent plerumque, quod alii in felicitatem auferrentur; utrorumque [affectum], nempe tam felicium felicitatem, quam spirituum indignationem mistam invidia, sentire mihi dabatur, satis manifeste, et unde; et repraesentabatur mihi, cum ii qui indignati sunt et invidebant, etiam in felicitatem superiorem auferrentur, quod quasi praeputium auferretur, et dicebatur mihi a quodam angelo, quod inde sciri possit, quid praeputium, et quid circumcisio significet 1

, et repraesentaverit. 1748, 29 Maj.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has significetur

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