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《灵界经历》 第2114节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2114


The reason is that the foreskin portrays that which stands in the way of the act of love, consequently of the happy states that arise from love in itself. For in [mankind's] state of integrity nude people were innocent, and thus there was innocence. But in its perverse state, one cannot even utter the word "nudes," without at once creating stumbling blocks, because their loves are filthy.

It can never be denied that the harmonies of the inward heaven come from the very inward regions, and thus from the Lord

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2114

2114. Therefore does the prepuce represent what opposes the things of love, consequently the happy states which come from love alone: for in a state of integrity nakedness sprung from innocence; thus was innocence, but in the perverted state nakedness could not even be named, for scandals immediately arose, because loves are filthy.

Experientiae Spirituales 2114 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2114. Ex causa, quod praeputium repraesentet, quod impedit 1

ea quae sunt amoris, proinde felicia, quae ex solo amore veniunt, ideo 2

in statu integritatis, nuditates, innocentes 3

erant, sic innocentia, in statu autem perverso, nuditates ne quidem possunt nominari, nam illico scandala pariunt, quia amores sunt spurci.


1. The Manuscript has impediat

2. The Manuscript has veniunt: nam (sic!)

3. In the Manuscript inocentias (sic!) imperfecte in innocentes emendatum

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