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《灵界经历》 第2115节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2115

2115. By a very refined spiritual mental image I was enabled to see that many elements are viewed almost at the same time by the angels, and they know at once what harmonious good or truth is present, even if there are countless elements in one image, quite distinct from each other, and forming a harmony they submit to.

I was to a certain extent enabled to see those elements that were in simultaneous harmony, causing me to inquire whether this came from more inward regions, thus from the very inward heaven, and consequently from the Lord. Because otherwise, a harmony of so many distinct elements, beyond number, could not exist, much less any selection from them.

Someone in heaven corroborated this thought aloud, saying that he himself had just recognized this same fact by a similar spiritual mental image. He said that in bodily life, that kind of image cannot exist, so neither had he acknowledged it. He doubted whether anyone would realize it, even though it is the pure truth. 1748, 29 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2115


By a spiritual idea of a subtler kind it was granted me to see that many things may be seen by the angels as it were simultaneously, and that they immediately know what is harmonious, or what is good or true, when yet they are indefinites in one idea, and yet these are distinct from each other, and form the harmony which they receive. It was granted me to see in some measure such things as were in simultaneous harmony; hence I said did not these come from such as move inward, therefore from a more inward heaven, consequently from the Lord, because otherwise they could not be exhibited as distinct, and there could not be a harmony of so many indefinites, still less a selection from them. This view was confirmed by the voice of one in heaven, saying that he, by means of such a spiritual idea, now first recognizes the same thing; while in the state of the life of the body such an idea cannot be given, and is not therefore acknowledged. He doubted whether anyone would acknowledge it, when yet it is the simple truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 2115 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2115. Quod nusquam negari queat, quin harmonica interioris coeli, ab intimioribus, et a Domino veniant

Per ideam subtiliorem spiritualem mihi dabatur videre, quod plura quasi simul ab angelis videantur, et illico sciant quid harmonicum, seu quid bonum verumve sit, cum tamen indefinita insint uni ideae, et tamen illa distincta inter se, et formant harmoniam, quam acceptant; illa quae erant in harmonia simultanea, mihi videre quodammodo dabatur, inde dicebam, annon haec ab intimioribus venirent, sic a coelo intimiori, ita a Domino? quia alioquin dari non potuerunt distincta, et harmonia tot indefinitorum, minus electio eorum, quod confirmavit voce unus in coelo, dicens, quod is per ideam talem spiritualem, idem nunc primum agnoscat, cum in statu vitae corporis nec talis idea dari queat, nec sic agnovit, dubitans an quisquam agnosceret, cum tamen pura veritas est. 1748, 29 Maj.

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