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《灵界经历》 第2122节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2122

2122. When these groups had ganged up in this way, a troop of spirits, quite a large one, was then heard, and indeed, approaching from the front quarter, a little to the right, near the right temple-the region between the right eye and the right ear, but from above.

It was a tumult that was heard, coming as if in waves, with a loud sound. When this troop was heard, and on their arrival, it was as if the spirits were thrown into disarray, some dispersing hither, some thither. And because of the turmoil, the upsetting and breaking up of the societies of spirits thus ganging together, it appeared to them no differently than as if the last judgment were at hand, and that they would perish en masse. Some were weeping, some were distressed. It was granted to me, however, not to be afraid, also for the reason that this had happened near me once or twice before [243, 1316-1332], when they also thought the last judgment was about to come.

I heard the sound of this troop of spirits in waves. A spirit told me that he heard it as the sound of horses, but the sound was heard differently by one that by another, depending on the degree of fear. To me it was a constant murmuring sound, coming in distinct waves one after the other, and to be sure, one of many spirits at the same time.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2122

2122. Then, when these societies were thus heterogeneously made up [confarctoe], a cohort, quite numerous of spirits, was heard, and this coming from the anterior region, a little to the right, about the right temple, the region between the right eye and right ear, yet on high. It was a sort of a tumult that was heard fluctuating as it were, and of great sound. When these were heard, and drew near, then confusion sprung up among the spirits; some were dispersed here, some there, and because of the tumult there occurred uproar and dissolution of the societies of spirits heterogeneously made up. It seemed to them as if the Last Judgment was now at hand, and that all would therefore perish; some lamented, others were in distress. Nevertheless it was granted me not to be afraid: such also was my case, because previously this had happened once or twice around me, when also they had supposed the Last Judgment was about to come. I heard the sound of this great cohort of spirits, as alternating. A spirit tells me that to his ear it was like the sound of horses. But one heard it different from another, according to the state of fear. To me it sounded like a continual murmur with alternate undulation, distinct, and, indeed, of many together.

Experientiae Spirituales 2122 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2122. Tunc, cum ita essent confarctae, spirituum cohors, satis magna, audita est, et quidem veniens a plaga anteriori, paulum ad dextram, circum tempus dextrum, regionem inter oculum dextrum et auriculam dextram, usque superne, erat tumultus 1

, qui auditus, quasi fluctuans, grandisonans; qui cum audirentur, et adventarent, tunc inter spiritus quasi confusio facta, quidam huc quidam illuc dissipati sunt, et quia erat tumultus, turba et dissociatio societatum spirituum, confarctarum, non aliter iis apparebat, quam quod nunc instaret ultimum judicium, et cuncti sic perirent, quidam lamentabantur, quidam in anxietate erant; mihi tamen dabatur non timere, etiam ideo, quia prius semel aut bis circum me contigerat [243,1316-1[332], cum quoque putarunt ultimum venturum judicium: sonitum cohortis istius magnae spirituum audivi, ut alternum; spiritus dixit 2

mihi quod audiverit tanquam sonitum equitum; sed sonussaliter auditus uni quam alteri, secundum statum timoris; mihi susurrans continue, cum undatione alterna, distincta, et quidem multorum simul.


1. The Manuscript has erat species tumultus ubi species imperfecte deletum est

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition dicit

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