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《灵界经历》 第2125节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2125

2125. This is depicted in the Word of the Lord by the east Wind mentioned here and there, for example, that it brought forth locusts in Egypt [Exod. 10:13], and that it dried up the Red sea, 1enabling the children of Israel to pass over on dry land [ibid. 14:21-2]. For if wrong groupings of spirits are not dispersed, they will put up with no one who is a child of Israel, but will attack, and prevent his crossing over to good societies, thus impeding communications of souls [recently arrived] with good spirits and with angels. For wrong groupings at once sever communications- which are afterwards restored. 1748, 30 May.


1. The original has the sea Suph.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2125

2125. This is represented in the Word of the Lord by the east wind, concerning which I have here and there treated: as that it produced the locusts in Egypt, and dried up the Red Sea [suph], for thus was it granted the children of Israel to pass over on dry land, for unless the evil consociations of spirits are dispersed, they cannot abide anyone who is a child of Israel, but infest him, and hinder his transit to good societies; therefore the communications of souls with good spirits and angels, for evil consociations, immediately take away communications which are afterwards restored. - 1748, May 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2125 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2125. Hoc repraesentatur in Verbo Domini per Ventum orientalem, de quo passim, ut quod produxerit locustas in Aegypto [Exod. X: 13], et quod exsiccaverit mare Suph, sic enim dabatur filiis Israelis per siccum transire [Exod. XIV: 21-22], nam nisi spirituum malae consociationes dissiparentur, nullum, qui est filius Israelis, tolerant, sed infestant, et transitum ad societates bonas, impediunt, sic communicationes animarum, cum spiritibus bonis, et cum angelis, nam malae consociationes illico auferunt communicationes, quae postea restituuntur. 1748, 30 Maj.

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