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《灵界经历》 第2128节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2128

2128. About enjoyments

By a spiritual mental image it was portrayed to me what bodily and sensual enjoyments are like when separated from inward enjoyment. They are gross, like those of beasts, because only of the body-such as the enjoyment of drinking.

But how sweet inward enjoyments are, which have peace and innocence within them, can be felt and known by a spiritual mental image by those who have them, but not by those who are in the body when the enjoyments are separated and almost purely of the body. 1748, 30 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2128


It was represented to me in spiritual idea of what quality are the pleasures of the body and senses. When separated from interior pleasure, that they are as gross as those of beasts, because pertaining to the body only, as, to wit, the pleasures of drinking; and how sweet are interior pleasures wherein is peace or innocence; which pleasures may be perceived and known by a spiritual idea and by those who are therein, but not by such as are in the life of the body. Such pleasures are then separated, and pertain almost entirely to the body. - 1748, May 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2128 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2128. De voluptatibus

Idea spirituali repraesentatum mihi est, quales sunt voluptates corporis et sensuum, quando sunt separatae a voluptate interiore, quod sint tam crassae, sicut bestiarum, quia solum corporis, sicut voluptas bibendi, at vero interiores voluptates, quibus inest pax aut innocentia, quam dulces sint, quae idea spirituali possunt percipi et cognosci ab iis qui in iis sunt, non vero ab iis, qui in corpore, dum separatae sunt, et fere mere corporis. 1748, 30 Maj.

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