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《灵界经历》 第2129节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2129

2129. When societies of the evil have ganged together, they are dispersed in other ways also

Above [2121-2127], the troop of spirits was spoken of who dispersed groups of evil spirits, to whom in the Word the "east Wind" corresponds. But besides this, there are countless methods of breaking up groups of that kind, as many in the individual as in the aggregate, such as when mental images with any spirit or soul are bunched together, and then dispersed.

I have not been enabled to learn all the methods, but I was told that they exist. Corresponding to them in the body are all the solvent fluids, countless in number, and each suited to [the dissolution] of some small conglutinated particle, as is known in the case of the salivary solvents, and of those which come out of the liver.

In the same way, each and every wrong gathering together of groups has its own dissolving method.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2129


(We have already treated of the cohort of spirits, which dispersed the consociations of evil spirits, to which in the Word corresponds the east wind. But there are innumerable media besides for dissolving such consociations not only in the aggregate, but in the individual, to wit, when the ideas belonging to some one spirit or soul have been heterogeneously made up, and are dispersed. It was not granted me to know all the media, but I was told what they are. In the body, also, all the solvent menstrua correspond thereto, which are innumerable, and suited to every conglutinated particle, as is known from the saliva-menstrua and those which flow from the liver. Thus every wicked compound of societies has its own solvent media.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2129 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2129. Cum societates malorum confarctae sunt, quod etiam aliter dissolvantur

Prius actum est de spirituum cohorte [2121-2127], quae dissipavit malorum spirituum consociationes, quibus in Verbo correspondet Ventus orientalis; sed praeterea sunt innumerabilia media discutiendi tales consociationes, tot in communi, quot in singulari, dum nempe apud aliquem spiritum seu animam ideae confarctae sunt, et dissipantur; media omnia non scire mihi datum est, sed dictum mihi quod sint, iis quoque correspondent in corpore omnia menstrua dissolventia, quae innumerabilia sunt, et convenientia unicuivis corpusculo conglutinato, sicut notum est ex menstruis salivalibus, iisque quae ex hepate effluunt; ita unicuique malae confarctioni societatum sua dissolventia media sunt.

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