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《灵界经历》 第2133节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2133

2133. About saints, or holy ones

Someone of the Catholic religion came to me today, as almost every day several do from various religions, who have recently died. This one speaking with me was a Roman Catholic, and the conversation was about those who had been sainted on earth. He was told that no one in all of heaven is holy, other than the Lord, and angels being called holy is due to the holiness of the Lord, who is Holiness Itself; hence they are also called the Holy Spirit. Those of them who are angels declare that in them, there is nothing holy whatsoever, but filth, and that holiness belongs to the Lord Alone. It is known that angels are not holy, from the psalms of David. 1


1. We have looked in vain for the passage; but compare Job 15:15, and see 1367 above.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2133


A certain one of the Catholic religion came to me today, as do nearly every day some of various religions who have lately died. This Roman Catholic conversed with me, and his discourse was about such as were made saints in the earth. He was told that there is no saint [holy one] in all heaven but the Lord alone, and that it is from the Lord's holiness that the angels are called saints [holy], who is Holiness Itself; hence also He is called the Holy Spirit. Such as are angels confess that in them is nothing at all holy, but that it is filthy, and that holiness is the Lord's alone; for it is known from the Psalms of David that the angels are not holy.

Experientiae Spirituales 2133 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2133. De sanctis

Quidam ex religione Catholica, hodie ad me venit, sicut fere quotidie aliqui qui nuper mortui sunt, ex variis religionibus, hic [erat] Romano-Catholicus, mecum loquens, sermo quoque erat de iis, qui sanctificati sunt in terra, cui dicebatur, quod nullus sanctus 1

in toto coelo sit, quam Solus Dominus, et quod angeli sancti dicantur, id est ex sanctitate Domini, qui Ipsa Sanctitas, inde etiam Spiritus Sanctus vocantur; qui angeli sunt, fatentur, quod in iis prorsus nihil sanctum sit, sed spurcum, et quod sanctitas sit Solius Domini; nam notum est, quod angeli non sint sancti, ex Psalm. David. {a}


1. The Manuscript has santus

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