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《灵界经历》 第214节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 214

214. About the gentiles or uninformed, and the informed, in heaven

Strangely enough, the gentiles in heaven are still in a kind of captivity, though not grievous, arranged in orders and levels; and when they were sometimes liberated, they were well-mannered, and easily received the faith, [confessing it] both by mouth and by heart. The informed, however, still seem to be floating up above, but are not in captivity (for what reason I have not yet been told) even though they are stubborn, and deny the faith with the mouth and the heart. But it has been told to me that there will be a turnabout, namely, that the gentiles are to be released from their captivity, and that the informed who have not received the faith are to be cast into bonds. 1747, the 21st day of October (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 214


Wonderful to say, the gentiles hitherto in heaven are in a certain kind of captivity, though not grievous. They were distinguished into orders and degrees, and whenever liberated they were modest and easily received the faith, both with mouth and heart. The instructed, however, as yet waver, as it were, above, that is, are not in captivity for some reason not yet told me, although they are obstinate and deny the faith with mouth and heart. But I was informed that a change will take place, namely, that the gentiles will be released from their captivity, and the instructed, who have not received the faith, will be cast into bonds. 1747, Oct. 21, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 214 (original Latin 1748-1764)

214. De gentibus seu non instructis, et de instructis in coelo

Mirabile dictu, quod gentes adhuc in coelo in quadam captivitate sunt sed non gravi, in ordines et gradus, distincti, et quandoque liberati modesti erant, et facile recipiebant fidem, ita ex ore et corde; instructi autem, adhuc quasi natant supra, seu non in captivitate sunt, ex quanam causa nondum mihi dictum est, tametsi sunt obstinati, ac ore et corde fidem renuunt, sed mihi narratum est, quod versio fiet, nempe quod gentes e captivitate sua solvendi 1

, ac instructi qui non fidem receperunt, in vincula conjiciendi. 1747, die 21 Oct. st. v.


1. gentes hic ut alibi masculine dicitur

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