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《灵界经历》 第2160节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2160

2160. The delights of good spirits and angels of the inward heaven

Besides inward, very inward and innermost delights, they also have an unlimited number of delights of sense. Let me here only mention that there are elegant arcades, ornate with very beautiful decorations. Especially as one comes out of an arcade, either palaces, or gardens, such as pleasure gardens, are portrayed, which they see on coming out. In these woven, arched, sometimes double arcades, fashioned with the utmost harmony, they seem to themselves to stroll, joined in conversation. There are palaces more superb than anyone in the world can possibly imagine. Others have different delights of sense, which are of unlimited variety. 1748, 1 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2160


(Besides interior, more interior, and inmost delights, they have also delights of sense in indefinite number; as, to wit, if I may here relate but this, that there are elegant porches, long and ornamented with very beautiful decorations, especially at their departure, porches, palaces, or gardens, such as paradises are represented, which they behold at their departure. In such porches, of woven texture, arched over, and sometimes in double order, formed according to all harmony, do they seem to themselves to walk, and do unite in conversation. Moreover, there are palaces which are more superb than anyone in the world can ever conceive; others have other delights in indefinite varieties. - 1748, June 1.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2160 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2160. Spirituum bonorum et angelorum interioris coeli delitiae

Praeter delitias interiores, intimiores ac intimas, etiam habent delitias sensuales indefinito numero, sicut, solum hic memorare liceat, quod porticus sint elegantes, longi, et ornati decoramentis perpulchris, cumprimis in exitu porticus repraesentantur vel palatia, vel horti, ut paradisi, quos in exitu spectant; in talibus porticibus, textis 1

, arcuatis, duplicatis quandoque, ad omnem harmoniam formatis, sibi ambulare videntur, et consociant sermones; praeter palatia, quae superbiora sunt, quam usquam aliquis in mundo sibi potest repraesentare, alii aliter [delitias sensuales habent], indefinitis varietatibus. 1748, 1 Junius.


1. nisi legeris tectis

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