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《灵界经历》 第2161节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2161

2161. There is nothing good except from the Lord

Spirits are extremely perplexed about how to understand that no one can do anything good except from the Lord, when yet they are commanded to do what is good, to want what is good, to think what is good, while still of themselves they can think, want, do nothing of good. So they do not understand what they are to do, whether to hang down their hands and just let themselves be driven. Such at times was their talk, because they cannot understand or see the matter any better. But they were told that they should by all means think, want and do good, and not hang down their hands. And while they may suppose at the time that it comes of their own power, nevertheless, when they consider where their thought of goodness and their will for truth 1come from, then they have to acknowledge that that is from the Lord, not from themselves. The Lord gives both the thought of goodness and the will for goodness. So all should do good, yet should know and understand that Good is not theirs, but the Lord's.


1. The original has veri, but a few lines below it has boni. The index at Bonum and Proprium has cogitare verum et velle bonum.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2161


Spirits are greatly perplexed to understand how no one can do anything good except from the Lord, when yet they are commanded to do what is good, to will what is good, to think what is good, and still of themselves they can think, will, do nothing good. Therefore they do not understand what they are to do, whether or no they should not, as it were, drop their hands, and so allow themselves to be led. Such at times was their talk, for they cannot understand nor perceive any better. But it was told them that they ought wholly to think, will, and do what is good, and not drop their hands; and though they may then suppose it comes from them, yet when they consider from whence flows their thought of good and will of the true, that then they must acknowledge it is from the Lord, and not from themselves. The Lord gives both the thought of good, and the will of good, so that all ought to do good, but still know, and therefore understand, that the good is not theirs, but the Lord's.

Experientiae Spirituales 2161 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2161. Quod nihil bonum nisi ex Domino

Spiritus maximopere se torquent, quomodo id intelligant, quod nemo possit facere aliquid bonum, nisi a Domino, cum tamen jubeantur facere quod bonum, velle quod bonum, cogitare quod bonum, cum tamen ex se nihil boni cogitare, velle, facere possint, sic non intelligentes quid facturi, num quasi remitterent manus, et sic se paterentur agi, ita quandoque eorum sermo fuit; quia non melius intelligere, nec percipere possunt; at iis dictum, quod omnino debeant cogitare, velle et facere bonum, nec remittant manus, et quamvis tunc autument, illud ex iis, quod usque cum perpendunt, undenam eorum cogitatio boni, et voluntas boni 1

, quod tunc agnoscere debeant, quod illud ex Domino, non ex semet, Dominus dat et cogitationem boni, et voluntatem boni, ita omnes debeant bonum facere, sed usque scire, et sic intelligere, quod Bonum non sit eorum, sed Domini.


1. The Manuscript has veri sed vide mox inferius cogitationem boni, et voluntatem boni

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