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《灵界经历》 第2162节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2162

2162. When anyone is entertaining an angelic spiritual mental image, he or she can clearly feel that no thinking, and nothing of will, comes from him or her, but streams in from another source, even though they suppose it to be from themselves. But one who is not entertaining an angelic spiritual mental image cannot possibly and therefore does not understand this, much less that all good is from the Lord- which the angels plainly see, and feel. Those in the inward heaven see, and are consequently mentally convinced of it, those in the very inward and innermost heaven consciously feel it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2162

2162. When anyone is in the spiritual angelic idea, he can clearly perceive that no thought and nothing of will comes from him, but that it inflows from elsewhere, although man thinks it comes from himself. But he who is not in the spiritual angelic idea can by no means understand this, still less that all good comes from the Lord. This, nevertheless, is plainly seen and perceived by the angels: such as are in the interior heaven see it, and therefore are intellectually persuaded. Such as are in the more interior and inmost heaven perceive it. - 1748, June 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 2162 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2162. Dum aliquis in idea spirituali angelica est, clare potest percipere, quod nulla cogitatio, et nihil voluntatis ex eo veniat, sed quod aliunde influat, tametsi homo putat quod ex semet, at qui non in idea spirituali angelica est, nequaquam id potest intelligere, et sic intelligeret, minus quod omne bonum a Domino; quod tamen angeli manifeste vident, et percipiunt: qui in interiori coelo sunt, vident, et sic intellectualiter persuadentur, qui in intimiori ac intimo, percipiunt. 1748, 1 Junius.

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