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《灵界经历》 第2164节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2164

2164. What I learned through the conversation of the heavenly [angels] that I am permitted to mention, was the following, namely, that the case is no different, if you would like to form an idea by a comparison, such as I was shown also through a vision, than that of a polished cylinder. In it is reflected optically a beautiful image of everything lying around it.

The things lying around appear without order, without form, a confusion of objects lying around, in which not the least element of beauty is apparent, much less any beautiful picture. Nevertheless, from those disordered things round about, a beautiful image is presented.

So likewise does everything in the world appear before the eyes of people on earth and spirits; all and the least things appear disordered and confused, and yet to the Eye of the Lord, they make up a beautiful picture, namely, the image of a person or virgin, who is Heaven as a whole - not such as it is, but such as the Lord desires it to be, that is, that it be an Image of Him. 1748, 2 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2164

2164. Inasmuch as I have learned through the discourse of the celestials, it is proper to relate as follows, to wit the matter is not otherwise circumstanced, than is, if you choose to form the idea from comparison, and was likewise shown me by vision, a polished cylinder, in which by optics is represented a comely image of such things as are thrown [projecta] around. The things thrown around appear in no order, and no form, but are a confused medley [confusae projectiones] in which does not appear even the slightest of what is comely, still less of a comely image. Yet still is there constituted out of these things that stand round about in disorder a comely image. In like manner before the eyes of men and spirits do all and each of what is in the world appear disordered and confused, when yet in the eye of the Lord they constitute a comely image, to wit, the image of a man or virgin, which is heaven in its complex, not such as it is, but such as the Lord wills that it may be, namely, that it may be the image of Him. - 1748, June 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 2164 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2164. Quod didici per sermonem coelestium, haec sunt, quae memorare licet, nempe quod se non aliter habeant, ac, si ex similitudine ideam formare velis, sicut mihi quoque per visionem ostensum est, sicut cylindrus politus, in quo optice repraesentatur imago pulchra eorum quae circum projecta sunt: quae circum projecta sunt, apparent nullo ordine, nulla forma, sed [ut] projectiones confusae, in quibus ne minimum quidem pulchri, minus imaginis pulchrae apparet, usque tamen sistitur ex inordinatis istis circum circa imago pulchra, similiter quae coram oculis hominum et spiiituum in mundo, omnia et singula apparent inordinata, et confusa, cum tamen Oculo Domini, constituant imaginem pulchram, nempe imaginem hominis vel virginis, quae est Coelum in suo complexu, non quale est, sed quale vult Dominus ut sit, nempe quod sit Imago Ipsius. 1748, 2 Junius.

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