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《灵界经历》 第2166节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2166

2166. About societies of spirits

There are groups of spirits who are eager to exercise their freedom and go beyond [the limits]. In their groups there are usually some who resist that freedom and set themselves against them, in order to bring them back into order.

These are the kind in those societies who in the world are able to slip in among all, and yet may think quite differently, and the thoughts do not appear on their faces, because they always put on an expression of respectability and politeness.

But because thoughts in the other life are revealed to spirits, and consequently they are aware of the resistance, although such a one is tolerated in many respects, yet they are hostile toward such a spirit, and at every opportunity, cause him harm. For example, when some foul [thought] is portrayed, then they expose those spirits, as if casting them away from themselves. I have often seen this happen, and then they admitted on both sides that the reason was as described. 1748, 2 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2166


There are societies of spirits who are desirous to use their license and wander forth. In the societies of such are wont to be some who are averse to their license and oppose themselves thereto, in order that they may thus be reduced to order. Of such a sort as those who are found in these societies are those in the world who can ingratiate themselves amongst all, and yet can think differently, and whose thoughts do not appear from their faces, inasmuch as they always put forth the face of sincerity and civility. But inasmuch as thoughts are manifest in the other life of spirits, and thereby the repugnance perceived, although such a one is tolerated amongst many, yet are they hostile to him; and if any occasion be given, do him injury, like as when any filthy representation occurs they then expose such by, as it were, ejecting them from themselves. This I have often seen done, and it was acknowledged on both sides that the cause was as stated. - 1748, June 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 2166 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2166. De societatibus spirituum

Societates spirituum, qui licentia sua uti, et extravagari avent, in eorum societatibus solent esse aliqui, qui repugnant eorum licentiae, seque opponunt, ut sic redigantur in ordinem; tales sunt, qui in societatibus istis, qui se insinuare omnibus possunt in mundo, et tamen aliter possunt cogitare, nec cogitata apparent e faciebus, quia semper praeferunt faciem honesti et civilem; sed quia cogitata manifesta sunt, in altera vita spiritibus, et percipiunt sic repugnantiam, tametsi in multis [talis] toleratur, ideo ei infensi sunt, et quavis data occasione ei injuriam faciunt, sicut cum repraesentatio aliqua tetra [est] tunc exponunt tales, quasi eos a se ejiciendo, quod saepe factum vidi, qui tunc fassi utrobique, quod causa sit ea, quae dicta. 1748, 2 Junius.

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