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《灵界经历》 第2167节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2167

2167. When filthy things are portrayed, they cast him outside, making him the object of the portrayal, such as, for example, if a dead person in a tomb is portrayed, or a dead person on a field, or something of that nature, then in their fantasies they throw him into the tomb, onto the field, and so on. Nor does it appear to him in any other way than that he is there; and he complains, so he is freed. Then they admit on both sides that this was the cause.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2167

2167. When there are filthy representations they eject him out of doors and make him the object of a representation; as, for instance, if there is represented a dead man in a sepulchre, or a dead man in a field, or any such thing, then do they by their phantasies cast him out into the sepulchre, into the field, and the like, nor does it appear otherwise to him than that he is there, and he makes complaint, and so is released; then do they acknowledge on both sides that this was the cause.

Experientiae Spirituales 2167 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2167. Quando repraesentationes sunt tetrae, eum projiciunt foras, et faciunt objectum repraesentationis, sicut si repraesentatur mortuus in sepulchro, vel mortuus in campo, vel simile aliud, tunc per phantasias suas projiciunt eum in sepulchrum, in campum, et similia, nec aliter ei apparet, quam quod ibi sit, et conqueritur, sic liberatur, tunc fatentur utrobiquu quod ea sit causa.

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