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《灵界经历》 第2168节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2168

2168. This is how those are, who in the life of the body put on an expression of respectability, to the point that no one thinks anything else than that he is a respectable man, but meanwhile he is looking in every single action of others, every utterance, step, and facial expression, for something evil, and constantly watching for it. There are many such people who only watch for the evils of another and seldom his good qualities. 1748, 2 June.

In this way both groups are improved. Such spirits usually think in opposites. If there are good qualities, then they think ill of them, if evil qualities, they think them good, that is, they think others to be evil, not good, etc.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2168

2168. There are such as in the life of the body put forth the face of sincerity, so that nobody thinks otherwise of such a one than that he is a sincere man, but still will such search into each of the actions, sayings, steps, and faces of others for that which is evil. This they continually observe. Many such are given who only take note of the evils of another, rarely of his goods. - 1748, June 2. Thus is each society reformed. Such are wont to think contraries - if there are goods, then do they think evil of them - if evil, they think what is good of them; and this because they are evil and not good, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 2168 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2168. Tales sunt, qui in vita corporis praeferunt faciem honesti, adeo ut nemo aliter cogitet de eo, quam quod honestus vir sit, sed usque perspicit in singulis aliorum actionibus 1

, dictis, gressibus et faciebus ii quod malum est, quod jugiter observat; tales dantur plures, qui mala alterius solum observant, raro bona; 1748, 2 Junius; sic 2

utraque societas emendatur. Tales solent contraria cogitare, si bona, tunc de iis cogitant male, si mala de iis cogitant quod bonum, nempe quod sint mali non boni, etc.


1. The Manuscript has actionis

2. ms Junius: sic

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