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《灵界经历》 第2169节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2169

2169. Spirits exist of every kind and species

Everything whatever that exists in a person's mental life and feelings, evil as well as good, has spirits, and societies of spirits, who exactly interact with it.

Just one such case was, when I was taking pleasure in some unimportant details, either in regard to writing, or eating or drinking, or something else, like while buying things I had desired in times past, and for which I had acquired a liking. When those enjoyments recurred, then there were spirits, and societies of spirits, that had exactly the same enjoyment, so that they were much more desirous than I myself, even to the point that they could hardly control themselves, without almost perishing, if they were not indulged and given those things - even though they knew they were of no use to them, but to me.

So there is not anything mental or emotional in a human being that does not have societies of spirits that indulge and favor it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2169


There are given spirits and societies of spirits who entirely correspond to whatsoever exists in man's intellectuals and his affections, evil and good, as to state this only; when I was delighted with matters of little moment, whether by writing, eating, or drinking them, or in respect to other things, as by the purchase of what I had formerly desired, and thus had thence contracted a nature; then when these delights were again renewed, there were spirits and societies of spirits who had nearly the same delight, so that they had far stronger desire than I, even to such a degree that they could scarce moderate themselves, but would as it were perish if not indulged or favored although they knew that these things were of no use to them, but to me. Thus there is not given aught that pertains to man's intellect or affection, to which do not belong societies of spirits which indulge and gratify them.

Experientiae Spirituales 2169 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2169. Quod dentur spiritus omnis generis et speciei

Quodcunque in hominis intellectualibus, et affectionibus malis ac 1

bonis existit, dantur spiritus, ac spirituum societates, qui correspondent prorsus, sicut solum, quod dum delectatus fuerim minutiis, sive in scribendis, sive in edendis, bibendisve, sive in aliis, ut in emendis iis, quae olim desideraveram, et sic inde contraxeram naturam, dum iterum delectationes istae reducerentur, tunc spiritus fuere, et societates spirituum, quae prorsus eandem delectationem habebant, sic ut me multo essent cupientiores, usque ad gradum, ut vix se temperare possent, quin quasi perirent, si non indulgeretur seu faveretur iis, tametsi norunt, quod iis usus non essent, sed mihi; sic non datur quicquam intellectuale aut affectionis in homine, cui non sunt societates spirituum, quae iis indulgent et favent.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has in

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