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《灵界经历》 第2199节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2199

2199. A memory is also given to spirits

There were some spirits who had not been with me for quite a while, that is, had come back after some time, and some who had not been with me before. Being questioned where they came from, what they had been doing, they had no idea at all, thinking that they had not lived. Yet when they reflect that they are living, they realize that they had lived, but do not know where, or how.

The sole reason for this is that thoughts looking back are not given them, even though their life is the same as their life had been in the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2199


Spirits who have not been long with me, that is, who have returned after a certain time, as well as those who have not previously been with me, inquired whence they had come, what they had done. They are entirely ignorant thereof supposing that they had not lived; but yet when they consider that they live, they are aware that they had been alive, but are ignorant where and how, for this sole reason, that ideas of reflection are not given them, although their life is similar to the life of those in the world.

Experientiae Spirituales 2199 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2199. Quod etiam memoria spiritibus detur

Spiritus, qui diu non penes me fuerunt, hoc est, qui redierunt post aliquod tempus; tum qui prius penes me non fuerunt; interrogati undenam, quid fecerint, id prorsus ignorant, putantes quod non vixerint; sed usque dum expendunt, quod vivant, sciunt quod vixerint, sed nesciunt, ubinam, et quomodo; ex sola causa, quod iis reflexionis ideae non dantur, tametsi vita eorum est similis sicut vita eorum in mundo.

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