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《灵界经历》 第221节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 221

221. About the happy state of infants

This morning before I arose, I came into a calm state and remained in it for some time; and I spoke with someone during that time about this state - for it was extremely calm, and approached closely to peace. But that it was not the peace I had previously felt, was because my attention was always being drawn to other matters, and specifically to a pain which certain spirits caused me in the region of the loins and had now held me in for a second day - and things of that kind.

I spoke with him about that happy state of infants, who were said to live in that pleasurable state. I also spoke about that state [of calm]. The spirits who were round about and able to hear the speaking, but not be in that same state, thought I had been transferred to a different place, because they were not able to grasp anything at all as before, except the sound and its effects. Thence arose a discussion of place, and we were taught by the experience that [a place there] is not a specific location - even though many at the same time can be in one place - but that it is a state belonging to a given realm, if you will, into which one can be brought, in whatever place one may be.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 221


This morning before I arose, I came into a tranquil state in which I remained for some time, during which I spoke with a certain one concerning this state, for it was a very tranquil one, and almost amounted to peace. But it was hardly the peace which I perceived before; inasmuch as I was all the time intent upon other matters, and also upon a kind of pain which certain spirits produced around my loins, and in which they have now kept me through another day. I also spoke with that spirit similar things concerning that happy state of little children who were said to live in such a state and in delight; in like manner I spoke concerning that state. The spirits who were round about, and who could hear my speech but could not be in such a state, supposed that I had been transferred to another place because they could not, as before, perceive anything whatever except the sound [of my voice] and things pertaining to sound. As a result of this there was talk about place. By this experience we were taught that place is not fixed, although many can be together in one place; but it is the state of some sphere, as it were, into which man can be carried, in whatever place he may be. 1747, Oct. 27, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 221 (original Latin 1748-1764)

221. De statu felici infantum

Hoc mane antequam exsurgerem perveni in statum tranquillum, ac ibi aliquamdiu permansi, loquutusque cum quodam, durante eo tempore, de hoc statu, nam tranquillissimus erat, et prope 1

accessit ad pacem, sed quin pax esset, quam prius percepi, erat quod 2

jugiter intenderem aliis, et quidem etiam dolori cuidam, quem quidam spiritus mihi circa lumbos exhibuerunt, et jam per alterum diem in eo detinuerunt, ac similia; loquutus sum cum eo, de statu isto felici infantum, qui dicebantur in tali statu et jucunditate vivere, similiter loquutus sum de statu isto; putabant spiritus, qui circum erant, et audire potuerunt loquelam, sed non esse in tali statu, quod in alium locum translatus sum, quia praeter sonum, et quae sunt soni, non ut prius quidquam percipere potuerunt, inde loquela de loco, et per experientiam edocti sumus, quod non sit locus certus, quamvis etiam simul multi in uno loco esse possent, sed quod sit status cujusdam quasi sphaerae, in quam inferri potest homo, in quocunque loco. 1747, die 27 3

Oct. st. v.


1. In the Manuscript proxime in prope emendatum

2. hoc est [causa] quod

3. In the Manuscript 20 in 27 emendatum

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