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《灵界经历》 第222节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 222

222. The 3 solar atmospheres operate in the earthly mind, not in the very inward mind; but God the Messiah in the very inward and the innermost mind is the Sun

There are four earthly fields emanating from the sun. The [aerial] atmosphere that makes hearing possible is well known.

A purer atmosphere separate from the aerial one is what produces seeing, or sights, by wonderful reflections of all objects. How far this atmosphere penetrates into the earthly mind, or whether it presents material ideas, as they are called, or fantasies and mental images, is not yet so clear - but it seems probable from many considerations. This, then, must be the first atmosphere that governs in the earthly mind. 1

A second atmosphere, still purer than the ether, 2is the one that produces the powers of magnets, which govern not only in relation to the magnet in particular, but also to the earth as a whole. But how far-reaching these forces are, it is not our job to describe. This atmosphere produces the structure of the whole terraqueous globe according to the poles of the world, and many more phenomena concerned with magnetic elevations and inclinations known to the world. In the earthly mind, it seems to produce reasonings, which must also contain what is spiritual in order to be alive, just as the sight and any other sense must, in order to perceive.

The purest ethereal atmosphere is that universal one in the whole world, which manifests itself in the reasonings of the same mind, whence that mind is said to be earthly. Its inward workings when corrupt are called reasonings, and when in accordance with order, simply reason, which is the outward aspect of thinking, accountable to the spiritual influence.

These atmospheres pertain to the sun, and can be called solar atmospheres, and thus pertaining to nature.

As regards the very inward mind, however, in it there is no such thing, that is, what is of nature, but what is spiritual, and in the innermost mind, what is heavenly, both of which are produced by God the Messiah Alone, and are alive; and if realms are to be given names, these should be called spiritual and heavenly ones.

This morning an angel and I speaking together discussed this subject, and so I became convinced. 1747, the 27th day of October (old calendar).


1. I.e. what is elsewhere called "ether." See True Christian Religion 32, Last Judgment (Posthumous) 31, Coronis 17.

2. I.e. what is elsewhere called "aura." See the references in the preceding footnote.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 222


There are four natural spheres arising from the sun. The atmosphere which produces hearing is known; a purer atmosphere separate from the aerial is that which produces sight or visual images by the wonderful reflections of all objects. How far this atmosphere penetrates into the natural mind, and whether it also presents material ideas, as they are called, or phantasies and imaginations, cannot as yet be quite evident, but from many things it appears highly probable. This then will be the first atmosphere that reigns in the natural mind. Another atmosphere - the still purer ether - is that which produces the forces of magnets, which reign not only about the magnet in particular, but also about the whole globe, but there is no need to describe to what extent. It there produces the situation of the whole terraqueous globe according to the poles of the world, and many things known in the world about the magnetic elevations and inclinations. In the natural mind this atmosphere seems to produce reasonings, and with these there ought still to be what is spiritual in order that they may live, as there must be in the case of sight and of each of the senses in order that they may perceive. The purest ethereal sphere is the one that is universal in the whole world, which is presented around the reasonings of the same mind; hence that mind is called the natural mind, and its interior operations, when perverse, are called reasonings, but when according to order, simply reason, and it is a species of thoughts, owing to spiritual influx. These spheres are of the sun, and may be called solar, and thus natural. As regards the more interior mind, however, in it there is nothing of such a quality, that is, natural, but there is what is spiritual, and in the inmost mind, what is celestial; these things are produced by God Messiah alone and are living, and are thus to be called spiritual and celestial spheres. We conversed this morning concerning these things, an angel speaking with me, and so I was confirmed. 1747, Oct. 27, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 222 (original Latin 1748-1764)

222. Quod atmosphaerae solares 3

, operentur in mente naturali, non autem in intimiori, sed quod Deus Messias in intimiori ac intima est Sol

Sunt quatuor sphaerae naturales, a sole oriundae, atmosphaera cognita est, quod efficiat auditum; purior atmosphaera ab aerea separata est quae producit visum, seu visualia, per reflexiones mirabiles 1

omnium objectorum; quousque haec atmosphaera in mentem naturalem penetrat, num etiam ideas materiales, ut vocantur, seu phantasias et imaginationes sistat, nondum ita constare potest, verosimile 2

apparet ex pluribus; haec prima tunc erit atmosphaera, quae regnat in mente naturali, altera atmosphaera adhuc purior, aether 3

, est ea, quae producit vires magnetum 4

, quae regnant non solum circa magnetem in speciali, sed etiam circum totum orbem, sed quousque non opus est describere, producit ibi totius globi terraquei situm juxta polos mundi, et plura quae circa elevationes et inclinationes magneticas orbi nota sunt, haec in mente naturali videtur producere ratiocinia, quibus usque spirituale esse debet, ut vivant, sicut visui et cuicunque sensui, ut percipiant. Purissima sphaera aetherea, est universalis illa in mundo universo, quae sistitur circa ratiocinationes ejusdem mentis, inde mens ista vocatur mens naturalis, et ejus operationes interiores dum perversae sunt, ratiocinationes, dum secundum ordinem, simpliciter ratio, et est species cogitationum, ob spiritualem influxum: hae sphaerae sunt solis, et dici possunt solares, et sic naturales. Quod autem mentem intimiorem attinet, in ea nihil tale est, seu naturale, sed est spirituale, in intima mente est coeleste, quae a Solo Deo Messia producuntur, suntque vivae, sique sphaerae dicendae, spirituales et coelestes, dicendae: de his cum angelo mecum hoc mane loquente sermocinati sumus, et sic confirmatus. 1747, die 27 5

st. v.


1. huic ultimae voci paginae subscriptum apparet verte retro

2. = verisimile

3. The Manuscript has purior aether

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has magnatum

5. In the Manuscript 20 in 27 emendatum

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