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《灵界经历》 第2213节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2213

2213. For it is well known that the insides of the animate body are entirely different from the outside. From the outside, no one could deduce that the interiors are as they are unless this had been revealed to the person by ocular vision. Then it is obvious that they are entirely dissimilar, consisting as they do of brains, spinal marrows, lungs, heart, or little hearts, a stomach, a liver, vessels devoted to generation, among other things found in a large animate body. Moreover, they consist of countless tissues, vessels, tunics, ligaments, so as to function unanimously. Thus they make up a body that is nothing but the complex of all those parts appearing in a simple form to the eye, which is unaware that there are such and so many components-indeed, such that if one were lacking, a crippling effect would rebound into the composite whole as a serious defect.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2213

2213. For it is known that the interiors of an animal are entirely different from the externals: from the externals no one can conclude that the interiors are of such a quality, unless they should have been revealed through optical sight; and then it appears that they are wholly dissimilar, consisting indeed of cerebra, spinal medulla, lungs, heart, or little hearts, stomach, liver, vessels devoted to generation, and of other things, like as in the great animal, moreover of innumerable fibers, vessels, tunics, ligaments, in order that they may operate with unanimity. Thus they constitute a body, which is only the complex of all, and appears under a simple form to the eye, which is ignorant that it has such and so many components, yea, such components, that should one be wanting it would be imperfect [mancum], and great defects would abound in the compound.

Experientiae Spirituales 2213 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2213. Notum enim est, quod prorsus aliter se habeant interiora animalis, quam externa, ex externis nemo concludere potest, quod interiora talia sint, nisi ei detecta fuerint per visum opticum, et tunc patet, quod prorsus dissimilia sint, constantia nimirum ex cerebris, medullis spinalibus, pulmonibus, corde, vel corculis, ventriculo, hepate, vasis generationi dicatis, exque aliis, sicut in magno animali, praeterea ex fibris innumeris, vasis, tunicis, ligamentis, ut unanimiter operentur; sic constituunt corpus, quod modo est complexus omnium, et apparet sub forma simplici oculo, qui ignorat quod talia et tot sint componentia, imo talia, ut si unum deesset, mancum foret, aut redundaret vitium magnum in compositum.

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