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《灵界经历》 第2215节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2215

2215. That this comparison is correct is also evident from the fact that in each of a person's ideas, even the very least, the whole person is present, in the state in which he or she is at the time, thus together, so to speak, with all members, internal organs or inward parts.

This is shown clearly by the fact that the mere speaking of a soul or spirit lets angels recognize, when the Lord sees fit, the true character of the person, what his or her life in the body was like, and what it is now like, taking into account their present state of mind. The character varies as that state changes, but no differently than as a face is varied into several forms, as was told before, while the basic face still remains. See earlier [2203-2205].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2215

2215. That this comparison is a fit one may hence be made manifest, because in every man's idea, even the least, is the whole man, according to the state in which man then is, - thus, as it were, with all his members, his viscera, or interiors. As is clearly manifest from this, that from the mere speech of the soul or spirit may be known forthwith by the angels, the Lord thinking worthy, of what quality is the man, of what quality was his life in the body, and of what quality it is then, respect being had to the state in which he is, according to the changes of which he is varied, but not differently, as previously said, from the changes of faces into many forms, while the fundamental face remains. Concerning which I have previously treated.

Experientiae Spirituales 2215 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2215. Quod similitudo haec congrua sit, constare inde quoque potest, quod in unaquavis idea hominis, etiam minima, sit totus homo, secundum statum, in quo tunc homo est; ita cum omnibus suis quasi membris, visceribus, seu interioribus, quod clare constat inde, quod ex sola loquela animae, vel spiritus, cognoscatur illico ab angelis, dignante Domino, qualis homo est, qualis ejus vita fuit in corpore, et qualis tunc, respectu 1

habito ad statum, in quo est, secundum cujus mutationem variatur-sed 2

non aliter, ac prius dictum-facies 3

in plures formas, permanente tamen fundamentali, de quo prius [2203-2205].


1. The Manuscript has respecto

2. The Manuscript has variatur, sed

3. The Manuscript has dictum, facies

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