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《灵界经历》 第2216节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2216

2216. But the ideas or thoughts of angels, that is, those of the inward heaven, in comparison to those of a person on earth, do not extend farther than the interiors of the little animal mentioned [2211], namely, to its integral parts, such as the numerous internal organs taken as whole parts, like the many little glands, or more general compositions.

So what are within these whole parts or internal organs, such as in the brain, in its spinal marrows, in the stomach, the heart and the liver, they do not know. Yet here again a new and broad field presents itself, of mysteries out of which those members are composed. Taking only the liver as an example, there are countless things which compose it, such as glandular aggregations consisting of smaller glands, as well as little tubes, ducts, indeed there are many other things in them, to which the ideas of the very inward and innermost angels' thoughts are comparable.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2216

2216. But the ideas or thoughts of angels, namely, [those] of the interior heaven, do not extend themselves in reference to man's ideas and thoughts farther than do the interiors of the said animalcule, namely, to its integral parts, as with the viscera, which are numerous if all the integral parts be reckoned, as with the glands, which are many, or the more common compositions, as those which are within the integral parts or within the viscera, as with the cerebrum, its spinal medullae, the stomach, heart, and liver. They are not aware [of this], and yet therein again occurs a new and spacious field of mysterious things, out of which they are composed, so that if the liver be taken as an example, then do innumerable things compose it, as the glandular congeries and these are composed of lesser glands, besides the tubes, ducts, yea, very many things. Such comparatively are the ideas of the more interior and inmost angels.

Experientiae Spirituales 2216 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2216. Sed angelorum ideae, seu cogitationes, nempe interioris coeli, non ultra se extendunt, respective ad hominis ideas et cogitationes, quam interiora animalculi dicti [2211], nempe ejus integra, sicut viscera, quae plura sunt, si omnes partes integrales assumuntur, sicut glandulae, quae multae sunt, seu communiores compositiones; ita quae intus sunt in partibus integris seu in visceribus, sicut in cerebro, medullis ejus spinalibus, ventriculo, corde, hepate, non sciunt, cum tamen ibi rursus occurit novus spatiosus campus mysteriorum, ex quibus illa componuntur, ut si solum hepar in exemplum sumitur, tunc sunt innumerabilia quae componunt, sicut glandulosae congeries, has glandulae minores, praeter tubulis, ductibus, imo perpluribus, talia 1

comparative sunt ideae angelorum intimiorum et intimorum.


1. In the Manuscript tales in talia emendatum, nisi vice versa

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