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《灵界经历》 第2223节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2223

2223. One person is more easily led by the Lord than another

It is well known that all are guided by the Lord, yet one person more easily than another. All could be influenced by the Lord to thinking, speaking and doing things, but because many, many people do not have faith and are consequently not in order, it is more difficult to guide them in this respect, that the Lord does not want to break them [Is. 42:3]. Thus He does not want to make them think, speak and do what would go contrary to their desires, which to them are freedom. So they are permitted to think, speak and act in and according to their desires, so that they may be bent toward good.

Those who have faith, however, and thereby a deeper knowledge of the truths of religion, are not broken, because they know and are moved by what is of heaven. Therefore, because their thoughts, speech and actions are to a greater extent in a spiritual order, they are guided more easily than others. 1748, 6 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2223


It is known that all are led by the Lord, but yet some more easily than others. All may be led by the Lord to any thought, speech, and action whatever; but inasmuch as many, yea, very many, are not in faith, consequently not in order, it is more difficult to lead them in that respect, because the Lord is unwilling to break them, therefore [to compel them] to think, speak, and do what is contrary to their cupidities, wherein they place their liberty; therefore they are allowed in these to think, speak, and act, according thereto, so that they may be bended to good. But verily such as are in faith, hence in the knowledge of the truths of faith, are not broken, because they know and are affected with such things as are of heaven, therefore their thoughts, speech, and actions, because they are rather in spiritual order, are led more easily than others. - 1748, June 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 2223 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2223. Quod unus homo facilius a Domino ducatur, quam alter

Notum est, quod omnes ducantur a Domino, sed usque facilius unus quam alter; omnes possent, ad quodcunque cogitandum, loquendum, et agendum, duci a Domino, sed quia multi et perplures non sunt in fide, proinde non in ordine, eos ducere difficilius est, eo respectu, quod Dominus nolit eos frangere, proinde cogitare, loqui, et agere id, quod esset contra eorum cupiditates, in quibus libertatem ponunt, quare permittuntur in iis et secundum eas cogitare, loqui et agere, ut flectantur ad bonum; at vero qui in fide sunt, proinde in cognitione veritatum fidei, ii non franguntur, quia sciunt, et afficiuntur talibus, quae sunt coeli; ideo eorum cogitationes, loquelae, et actiones, quia magis {a} in ordine spirituali, facilius, quam alii, ducuntur. 1748, 6 Junius.

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