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《灵界经历》 第228节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 228

228. About the state of the damned in hell

In the night between the 29th and 30th of October (old calendar), 1747, I had a dream from which I awoke again and again, for evil spirits were attacking me from everywhere to the point where I was unable to continue sleeping. After a number of awakenings, when I was finally fully awake, I was being shaken throughout my whole body, and I plainly saw a kind of column surrounding me. I was able to perceive it by sense.

As I was waiting [to find out] what would come of this - I judged that I was being defended in this way from evil spirits - I could feel that tangible column becoming successively larger. The thought crept in that this was the "brazen wall," as it is called [218, 223] who are still being lodged in the third heaven, 1saying it is they who are tormenting them, for it is their passion to torment people, and any spirit whatever. In short, their torments are unspeakable. But I was allowed to encourage them with some hope, so that they would not wholly despair (for they were saying that they believed the torment would be eternal), telling them that God the Messiah is merciful, and we read in His Word that "those bound in the pit" are to be released [Zach. 9:11, Ps. 40:2, Is. 51:14], where "the pit" means hell. This I also heard confirmed from above so that they might have some comfort, which they then said they did feel.

Something still more wonderful - I testify to you that you may believe it, for it is true - is that God the Messiah, moved by innermost mercy, appeared to them out of Heaven, and indeed, as it was told to me, in glory. Even I was able to discern it, although not as clearly as the unhappy spirits. They made it known that they had received much consolation from this occurrence. It is now being said to me in my ear that the angels also have comforted them and will continue to comfort them. Moreover, I also want you to believe this one thing that I know to be true because I observed it: many of them were raised up from hell and torment, into heaven, where they are living today; and to one of them, who had suffered the greatest torment, it seemed that God the Messiah embraced and kissed him. Afterwards also, many freed from hell were raised into heaven. In the night between 29 and 30 October (old calendar), 1747.


1. I.e. the third in descending order.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 228


During the night between Oct. 29 and 30, 1o.s. 1747, I had a dream from which I awoke repeatedly; for evil spirits kept on infesting me, so much so that I could not continue my sleep. After awakening several times, until at length I was quite awake, I was seized with a trembling throughout the whole body, and I manifestly perceived that a certain column, as it were, surrounded me; I could sensibly perceive it. I awaited what would thence happen. I supposed that I was thus being defended against evil spirits. That column was sensibly increased. It was continually insinuated into my thought with a perceptive feeling that this was the "brazen wall", as it is called [Jer. i 18; xv 15:20, by which the faithful are defended from the infestation of evil spirits. While, therefore, this column or wall remained around me which could be nothing else than a column of angels in the midst of whom was God Messiah, Who is the "Brazen wall" - I also observed the cause, namely, that I was let down to the unhappy in hell, that I might perceive their state, and thus make known to the world, especially to the incredulous or the unbelieving, that there is a hell: not only that there is a hell, but also what is the state of those there, though I cannot adequately describe it. I heard lamentations such as these, "God! Oh God! Jesus Christ be merciful! Jesus Christ be merciful!": and for a long time, to which I at first gave attention. Afterwards, when I was in hell, and indeed in the body as I am today, a certain one of those miserable beings was permitted to speak with me, which he also did for some considerable time; but I cannot relate the things he said. Only this at present: that they complained of those free spirits, or "furies", who as yet lodge in the third heaven, that they are the ones who torment them; for their desire is to torment every man and spirit whatsoever. In a word, their torments are unspeakable; but I was allowed to encourage them with some hope, that they should not despair entirely; for they were saying that they believed the torment would be eternal. It was granted me to encourage them by saying that God Messiah is merciful, also that we read in His word that those bound in the pit would be released, 2and that the pit signifies hell. This I also heard confirmed from above in order that they might have some consolation, which also they then said that they felt. In order that ye may believe, for it is true, I testify to you something still more wonderful - that God Messiah, moved by inmost mercy, appeared to them out of heaven, and indeed as was said to me, in Glory; I also could discern this, though not so manifestly as the unhappy spirits. They confessed that they had received great consolation from this appearance. It is now said in my ear that angels also have consoled them, and that they will console them. Moreover, I also wish you to believe, for it is true, since I know because I have perceived it, that many of them have been raised out of hell and torment into heaven, where they are living at this day, and that it seemed to one of them who had suffered the greatest torment, that God Messiah embraced and kissed him. Afterwards many also were liberated from hell and taken up into heaven. In the night between Oct. 29 and 30, o.s. 1747.


1. The manuscript has Oct. 23, but since in nos. 226, 229, and 331, the date 22 is crossed out and 29 written above, and in n. 228, 22 and 23 are crossed out and 29 and 30 written above, it seems evident that the author omitted to make the change here. For the same reason, in the first line of n. 228 we have changed 22 and 23 to 29 and 30, as the author himself did in the last line. In n. 230 we have twice changed 23 and 24 to 30 and 31.

2. Zech. ix 11. See also Isa. li 14 and Psalm xl 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 228 (original Latin 1748-1764)

228. De statu damnatorum in inferno

Nocte inter 22 et 234 Oct. st. v. 1747: somnium habui, e quo passim expergefactus, nam spiritus maIi passim me infestabant, adeo ut non possem continuare somnum; post aliquot vices expergefactionis tandem dum prorsus vigil essem, commovebar 1

per totum corpus, et percipiebam manifeste 2

, quod quasi quaedam columna me circumdabat, sensu eam percipere potui, exspectabam quid inde eveniret, arbitrabar quod sic defenderer a malis spiritibus, columna ista sensibilis augebatur, continue cum perceptionis sensu, insinuabatur cogitationi, quod haec esset "murus aheneus," ut vocatur [Jer. I: 18, 15:20], quo defenduntur fideles ab infestatione malorum spirituum; dum itaque persisteret haec columna seu murus circum me, qui non potuit non esse angelicus, inter quos Deus Messias, Qui est "Murus Aheneus," tunc animadvertebam causam, nempe quod demitterer ad infelices in inferno, ut perciperem statum eorum, et sic nuntiarem orbi, cumprimis incredulo, seu non credenti, quod infernum sit, non solum quod infernum, sed etiam qualis status eorum, eum quidem non satis describere possum; audiebam lamentationes, et quidem tales, "Ah Deus, ah Deus, Jesus Christus misereatur, Jesus Christus misereatur!" et hoc diu, ad quae primum attendebam mentem; postmodum quum in inferno esse 3

, et quidem corpore, quali hodie sum, permittebatur cuidam, a miseris illis, ut mecum loqueretur, quod fiebat etiam per diutinum satis tempus, sed ea non narrare possum hoc 4

modo nunc, quod querebantur de spiritibus liberis, seu furiis istis qui in tertio 5

coelo hospitantur 6

adhuc, quod ii sint, qui eos cruciant, eorum enim cupido est cruciare hominem, et quemcunque spiritum verbo 7

sunt cruciatus ineffabiles, sed eos licuit sublevare spe aliqua, quod non prorsus desperarent nam 8

dicebant quod crederent aeternum fore cruciatum 9

dicendo [quod] 10

Deus Messias sit misericors, et in Verbo Ipsius legatur 11

, quod solvendi sint "Vincti in fovea" [Sach. IX: 11] 12

, et quod "fovea" significet infernum, quod etiam confirmatum audiebam desuper, ut aliquam consolationem haberent, quam etiam tunc sentire dicebant; quod adhuc mirabilius est, attestor vos, ut credatis, nam verum est, quod Deus Messias intima misericordia commotus ex Coelo apparuerit iis, et quidem ut mihi dictum in gloria, etiam ego potui id cernere, sed non ita manifeste ac spiritus infelices, ex quo se magnam accepisse consolationem confitebantur; nunc dicitur mihi in aurem, quod etiam angeli eos consolati sunt, et consolaturi; praeterea etiam hoc velim ut credatis, nam verum est, nam scio, quia percepi, quod plures eorum ab inferno et cruciatu sublati sunt in coelum, ubi hodie vivunt, et quod quidam 13

eorum, qui in maximo cruciatu fuit, videbatur sibi quod Deus Messias eum amplexaretur, et oscularetur; postea etiam plures ex inferno liberati, in coelum tollebantur. Nocte inter 29 et 30 14

Oct. st. v. 1747.


1. The Manuscript has essem; commovebar

2. The Manuscript has maniste

3. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

4. The Manuscript has possum, hoc

5. The Manuscript has hospitant

6. hoc est ultimo

7. The Manuscript has spiritum, verbo

8. The Manuscript has desperarent, nam

9. The Manuscript has crueiatum, sublevare,

10. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

11. The Manuscript has legitur

12. cf. etiam Es. LI: 14

13. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidem

14. In the Manuscript 22 et 23 in 29 et 30 emendatum

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